Page 91 of Sunshine Love

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“Busy with June, the hot nanny?”

“Hey,” I grunt. “Keep a respectful tongue in your mouth when you’re talking about her.”

“Huh. That what you’re doing, brother? Keeping your respectful tongue in your mouth?”

“I swear to God, Jesse.”

He chuckles, and I wish he was here so I could sock him in the stomach. “Relax, old man,” he says. “I get it. She’s your lady now.”

“I wish,” I grumble, before I can stop myself. I don’t open up to people, least of all my brother. As much as I love him.

“She will be,” Jesse says. Clearly, my brother can tell mocking me about this would be inadvisable. I’m sure he’d jump on the opportunity otherwise. “The woman’s in love with you, Cash. I thought she was going to let you carry her home from the quarry the other day.”


“Can I ask you something?”


“Does it make it hotter? The sex? You know, since you’re her boss and she’s the nanny? It’s like something out of a porno,” Jesse says, adding in a feminine voice, “Oh please, mister country music star, please. Take me now.”

“Shut the fuck up.” This is the dichotomy of Jesse. One second he’s a caring guy giving great advice, the next he’s a degenerate. I’m just glad I got to June first.

Jesse chuckles. “Yeah, yeah,” he says. “You know I’m just fucking with you. If it’s meant to be, make it so. That’s the Taylor way.”

He’s not wrong. Taylor men don’t stop until we get what we want. Hell, even the Taylor women are like that. Look at Lily, with her big fancy job out in the city, and Hannah with her determination to live her life exactly as she wants it, her nose buried in a book behind the counter in the library. She wouldn’t let a man tell her what to do, her brothers included.

“Jesse, I got to get to work. Talk.”

“I heard a rumor,” Jesse says, “you know how us men love to gossip.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Olivia’s back in town.”

I grunt.

“I take it that’s a yes? Your caveman grunts are difficult to, uh, decipher over the phone.”

“She was in town. I told her to get lost.”

“Is Alex okay?”

I grunt in the affirmative.

“Right,” Jesse says. “Look, you need me to handle it, I’ll handle it. I’ve got you.”

“Thanks, but she’s gone.” She’d better fucking be. There’s a reason I got a court order to stop her from seeing Alex. She came back once after signing away her parental rights. She threatened to take me to court if I didn’t give her money. Olivia was drugged up, and I, like a fucking idiot, tried to help her. But things only got worse, and I was forced to get the court order to keep her away from our child.

“Probably better you stay home with June and Alex today anyway.”


“Just saying,” Jesse clears his throat, “that it might be a good idea for you to head on home and be with them today.”

“I have work. At Chuckles.”

“Right, right, but maybe not, you know?”

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