Page 86 of Sunshine Love

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“Your mother took us.”

“That’s right. And you were infatuated with that one asshole who played the guitar? He sang some croony bullshit country song that made you all weak at the knees?”

“I remember.”

“Well, I figured if you liked him so much, then maybe if I started playing country, you’d like me too.” He presses his forehead against mine. “Anything for you, June.”

I’ve never heard Cash talk like this. “Anything you want.” His lips dip toward mine, and I’m already burning for him.

The doorbell trills downstairs, shattering the moment, and I shake my head and move away from him. “I’ll get it,” I say, and jump up before we can go any further.

We shouldn’t be getting this close with Alex downstairs anyway. I walk past the living room where Alex is still watching TV and answer the door.

And it’s like the world has inverted, or rather, like I’ve stepped back in time.

Olivia is on the doorstep.

She arches an eyebrow. “Hi.”

She looks worn. Like she’s lived a hard life, and she looks older than thirty-three, her platinum blonde hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. She’s wearing a tie-dyed dress that wraps around her body.

“I’m disappointed, June. I thought we were friends.”

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“Don’t just stand there staring,” Olivia says. “Get Cash.”

Footsteps on the stairs bring my attention back to the house. Alex! And I turn in time to see Cash approaching, and Alex stepping out of the living room with an inquisitive look on her face.

“Who’s that?” she asks.

Olivia smiles and waves at her, but Cash steps in front of Alex before she can say anything to her.

“Get off my porch,” Cash says, his voice cold.

“Aw, come on, Cashy,” Olivia says. “Is that how you talk to old friends? Seems to me like you treat them real nice.” She sweeps a hand toward me.

“June, could you take Alex upstairs, please?” Cash asks.

“No problem. Come on, honey.” I guide her up the stairs and away from Olivia and Cash. Right now, all that matters is making sure Alex is fine.

“June,” Alex says, as we reach her room, “who was that lady?”

“That’s something you and your father will need to discuss,” I say.

“But why can’t we discuss it?”

“Because it’s not my place, honey. That’s a conversation you need to have with your dad,” I reply, with a smile that hurts me.

Because it’s true. It isn’t my place, and I’m so confused about everything I couldn’t have this conversation if I tried.

Olivia is back. And I have no idea how Cash is going to handle this situation.



The universe isn’t done beinga cocksucker today.

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