Page 4 of Sunshine Love

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I step back to let him in.

“I know, you little devil,” Jesse says, and fishes around in his pocket. “Cool outfit. Are those unicorns?”

Alex gives him the rock on sign. Jesse and Alex have always gotten on like two foxes in a hen coop.

“Here.” Jesse hands her a candy bar that’s probably half-melted, but Alex squeals with delight.

“I told Crouchbottom only one candy bar today,” I say. I would have put it on the schedule too if my damn phone hadn’t decided to freeze.

“Come on, dude,” Jesse says. “Lighten up.”

I give my brother a warning look before checking my watch. “T minus five minutes.”

“Get a load of this guy,” Jesse says, then covers his mouth. “Kssshk. Ground Control to Rocket Ship Alex. T minus five minutes until launch.”

I consider punching him in the throat this time, just for fun, but I’m distracted by the fact that the nanny isn’t here yet. Mrs. Crouchbottom has been Alex’s nanny every summer since she was five, and I need her help this year more than any other.

“Honey, wait in the living room?”

“Can I watch BeysPlays?” she asks.

I nod before striding through to the kitchen to grab my phone. Jesse follows me like the natural-born pain in the ass he is. He’s the oldest brother, but he’s always acted younger than both Leo and me combined.

The first few chords of a too familiar song come on the radio. I shut it off, my heart pounding.

Jesse sighs behind me. “Still?”

I restart my phone and wait for it to switch on.

No notifications.


Mrs. Crouchbottom hasn’t let me know that she’s going to be late. And if Alex doesn’t get to school soon, she’s going to be tardy, and her homeroom teacher is going to have two cows and a cat.

“Are you going to see him today?” Jesse asks.

I don’t have to ask who he’s talking about. I grunt by way of reply.

“Look, Cash, I just want you to know I appreciate what you’re doing. He’s not in his right mind at the moment, and this has been tough on all of us.” His voice cracks a little. “We’ll get through this, brother.”

“It’s my responsibility now. You’ve got your thing. This can be my thing.”

“Whatever help you need, just let me know, all right?”

I appreciate the sentiment, but we’ll be fine. My father and I are grown-ups. “Fuck,” I say.


“Crouchbottom is a no-show.” I try calling her, but she doesn’t pick up.

“She lives right across the street, doesn’t she?” Jesse asks.

I nod, dialing again. No answer. “Fuck.”

Jesse rubs a tan hand over his face, his dark eyebrows two slashes over blue eyes. “You want to check on her? I can take Alex to school.”

“She usually walks her on the last day. It’s their thing.”

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