Page 22 of Sunshine Love

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“SOPs. For childcare. Got it.”

“You say that like it’s a weird thing.”

“Not at all,” I say. “I think that’s great.”

“If you take the job, I’ll need your email so I can share the folder with you. It includes emergency contact numbers and all the information you’ll need to get started.” Cash moves toward the staircase and holds onto the edge of the balustrade. “I’ll show you where you’ll be staying.”

“If I take the job.”

Another awkward silence.

“Yeah.” Cash nods up the stairs.

He waits for me to go ahead of him. We walk up the stairs together, Cash behind me.

Cash shows me Alex’s room, which is as adorable as she is, with posters of rock stars on the walls and a computer in one corner with a display of anime characters above it. He moves toward another bedroom and stops. “This is my room.”

My cheeks heat again. “Right. Your dad isn’t around? I figured you’d be sleeping in the master bedroom.”

“He lives with Ganny. Master bedroom is too big for me. Bought the place from him after we moved here.”

“When did that happen?”

Cash’s jaw clenches and releases. “After Alex was born. Twelve years ago.”

“Twelve years! You’ve been here for twelve years?” My mother didn’t mention it once.

Cash walks a door down and opens it. “This will be your room. Was the guest bedroom.”

My heart is pounding.

If I take the job, I’ll be in the room right next to Cash’s. The house is a double story, with four bedrooms—I remember the sisters, Hannah and Lily, sharing a room, and Cash and Leo sharing another, with Jesse as the eldest on his own.

The queen-sized bed has white sheets. The headboard is pressed against the wall.

Cash’s bed is on the other side.

It’s a pretty room, with a view of the well-kept backyard, the wooden slats of the border fence separating my mother’s property from the Taylor’s. There’s a comfy armchair, a bookcase, an armoire, and a rug at the foot of the bed. Plenty of space. Warm and cozy.

And right next door to Cash’s room.

I can’t do this.

I turn away and bump into his broad chest.

Cash glances down at me, frying my insides with a look.

I back up a step. “Oh, sorry about that. I didn’t see you there.”

“You don’t need to apologize, June.”


“You don’t need to apologize.” There’s a heavier meaning behind his words, but I can barely concentrate because I’m staring into those piercing blue eyes.

Cash Taylor, why do you make me feel like a girl again?I don’t need this after what happened with Braydon.

A door bangs downstairs.

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