Page 13 of Sunshine Love

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Girl. If you need anything, just let me know, all right? Like clothes, food, friggin’ anything.

I won’t say no to the clothes. And I hate to ask, but do you know of anywhere I can find a job? Like, anything. I’ll do whatever it takes.

Clothes? Hell yeah. Stop by in like half an hour when I have my break? I’ve got some cute tops you will love. As for the job, I wish I could offer you one at the diner, but we’re fully staffed. I’ll put the word out for you. <3

You are a super star and the best. Seriously.

I’m just glad I finally have you nearby so I can unload all my emotional baggage on you. Hehehehehe.

Be there soon. <3

If anyone’s got emotional baggage, it’s me. But I’m relieved to have Marci as a support system. Living in the same town as my mother is a punishment I don’t want to take. I won’t stop until I’ve figured life out and escaped Heatstroke for the last time.



I’min a foul fucking mood tonight.

Alex won’t tell me why she didn’t get on the bus this afternoon. Every time I ask, she clams up, and forcing the issue isn’t going to make this any easier. Ganny’s taking her tomorrow, on the first day of her summer break, and I’ve spent the last nine hours helping my father with the bar.

And June Jackson is back in Heatstroke.

That sends a spike of heat straight through my torso.

She’s back in Heatstroke. She can be as perfect as she likes, as beautiful and warm and welcoming, smelling of citrus and fucking memories, but it doesn’t matter.

June is a memory, and Alex has my whole heart. I haven’t got room for complications.

Carter clicks his fingers under my nose. “You alive over there, bud?”

Carter, or Savage as we call him, rolled up on his Harley right after I got home and stayed for dinner. He’s been on my ass about not taking it easy enough for weeks. I’d kick him out, but he’s been my friend since middle school, and he’s basically a brother to me and an uncle to Alex at this point.

I abandon the beans on my plate and sit back. I make a mean chicken-fried steak, but I’m useless when it comes to vegetables. The only reason I try to make them is because growing girls need their vitamins and fiber.

“I’m fine.”

Savage gives me a knowing look but turns to Alex. “What’s eating your old man’s ass?”

I grunt. “Swear jar.”

Alex giggles, pressing a hand over her mouth. It’s a new habit she’s picked up—covering her mouth when she smiles—and I’ve added it to the list of shit I worry about before I fall asleep. She’s not confident enough. She’s a rock star, but she won’t let herself be one, and I keep thinking it’s my fucking fault.

“Talkative, huh?” Savage says, nudging Alex. The man can barely fit at our kitchen table. Savage likes to spend time in the gym, and he keeps a beard and tattoos up the side of his neck that are meant to be a signpost not to fuck with him. Really, he’s a teddy bear, especially when it comes to his goddaughter. “How was the last day of school, Alex? Somebody’s got to keep me entertained while we eat these god-awful beans.”

“Beans, beans, they’re good for your heart,” Alex chants and dutifully eats a forkful. “School was mid.”

“Mid?” Savage frowns. “What is mid?”

“It means fine.” Alex shrugs and looks down at her food, and my frustration doubles. “Yeah, fine. It was normal. I’m glad it’s summer break, but Mrs. Crouchbottom broke her hip so now I don’t have a nanny anymore. I wanted to stay home and play computer games, but I have to go to Ganny’s tomorrow.”

“I thought you liked hanging out at Ganny’s,” I say.

“I do, Dad,” Alex replies. “But there’s other stuff I like too.”

I scratch the back of my neck. “And you can’t do them at Ganny’s?”

Alex puffs out her lips and rolls her eyes. “I can do some of them, but it’s not like I can play my games or anything.”

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