Page 113 of Sunshine Love

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“We need to talk to you about something important,” I say. “Very important.”

“Okay.” Alex tucks her hands underneath her legs, tilting her head to one side.

“I really like June,” I say. “A lot.”

“Me too! June’s awesome.”

“Yeah. I agree. But I like her as more than just your nanny or as a friend,” I say. “I like June as a girlfriend.”

Alex falls silent. A tiny frown creases her brow. She looks from me to June. “Do you like him as a boyfriend?”

June blinks repeatedly. “Yeah,” she says. “I really do. I know that might be confusing for you because I was your nanny, but I do like him. A lot.”

One second, Alex is on the sofa, the next she’s up and running toward June. She collides with her in a hug, crying hard.

“Alex?” June says.

But Alex is hiccuping and crying so loud, I’m not sure she can hear.

“Easy, honey,” I say, taking my daughter by the shoulder. “Easy.”

But Alex won’t let go of June.

“Alex, talk to us, honey,” I say. “Come on.”

“What are you feeling?” June asks.

“H-h-happy,” she says.

The relief is so strong it nearly knocks me on my ass.

“Happy?” I repeat.

“Yeah,” Alex says. “I was s-scared June was going to leave forever, and now she can’t. She can’t leave, and she has to stay with us. She has to stay and be my friend.”

I have a feeling she wanted to say something else, and it’s a bitter-sweet feeling. Alex just wants a mom, and June has been more of a mom to her than Olivia could ever be.

“Alex, I’m not going to move in right away,” June says, “but I’m going to be a part of your life forever.”

“You’re one of my best friends, June. I’m happy. Especially because Dad will be happy too.”

June sinks down and hugs her, and I join the group hug, drawing them both into the protective circle of my arms.



The night airin the Heatstroke town square buzzes. It’s like the air has turned electric. I stand beside Cash, standing on tiptoe every now and then to check if I can see Alex waiting near the side of the stage.

Cash holds my hand, stroking his thumb over the back of it. “They’re going to do great,” he says. “Don’t worry.”

“You think? Because they worked so hard on it. I just want them to have fun.”

Cash lifts my hand and kisses it. “They’ll be great. Alex has got Taylor blood. She’s going to kick ass.”

People mill around, waiting for the show to start, buying food and drinks from the food trucks that have been set up nearby. Even Mrs. Crouchbottom is in attendance, accompanied by one of her daughters, who’s pushing her around in a wheelchair to be safe. She waves at us, and I smile back at her.

I crane my neck. “I want to get closer to the front. I can’t see her from here.” We’re underneath a massive oak tree, and I’m already getting annoyed with our position.

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