Page 109 of Sunshine Love

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“I saw a nice big for sale sign outside Cash’s house,” Olivia says. “Looks like he’s leaving town, just like me.”

I take a breath. “Goodbye, Olivia. I hope you find what you’re looking for.” And then I walk past her and down the street, my insides twisting and turning. Cash is selling the house? Why?



Dear Miss Jackson,

Our Committee of Admissions has considered your application with great care, but we regret to inform you that we will not be offering—

I stop reading the email and move to the next one. And the next.

I’ve been rejected by all four of the colleges I applied to. All four.

I squeeze my eyes shut. In the Heatstroke Public Library the occasional cough or turning of a page, the soft sounds of footsteps on carpeting, the creak of a wooden chair, the tap of keys is my only company.

It’s going to be okay. It has to be okay.


I can’t give up on this. The colleges I applied to all had rolling admissions, but there have to be more options. I need to call my advisor and see what she has to say about this.

I step out of the library, phone in hand, and dial Sasha’s number.

“Good morning, June,” she sings. “How are you?”

“I got rejected. Everywhere.”

Sasha pauses. “All right, that’s not the best news,” she says, “but there’s no reason to panic yet. You still have options.”


“Just because you didn’t get into a physical college at this time, doesn’t mean that you can’t apply again,” Sasha says. “You can reapply at a future date, try different colleges, or you can try applying for online courses right now.”

“Online?” My heart skips a beat.

“That’s right. There are plenty of great colleges offering accreditations online,” Sasha says. “Let me email you about this, June.”

“I would really appreciate that.”

“Of course. Just don’t lose hope or give up.”

“Thanks, Sasha.” I hang up. I have options. And wouldn’t online courses be cheaper too?

It’s almost time for me to go over to Daisy’s place and help the girls with their routine, so I pack up my laptop, wave goodbye to the librarian, and head out into the sunlight. Today has been a rollercoaster. First the laptop, then Olivia, then the rejections, then Cash putting his house up for sale and now fresh hope.

I arrive at Sara’s house to find Daisy and Alex on the porch together, about to go inside, and Cash on the front path.

Seeing him stops me in my tracks. It’s the first time we’ve come face-to-face since what happened at Longhorn’s, and I’m breathless at the prospect.

Cash is wearing a T-shirt that fits him perfectly and stretches over his muscular biceps. His hair is mussed and slightly damp as if he’s just come out of the shower, and his beard is trimmed. He turns his head and locks eyes with me, and I’m done. Melting inside.

Cash gives Alex a hug goodbye. The girls rush inside together, chatting excitedly about their plans for the talent show.

I adjust the strap of the laptop bag on my shoulder and smile.

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