Page 107 of Sunshine Love

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“Eh! Don’t even mention it,” she says. “I’m all for letting a man sweat it out. And for helping a friend in need, of course.”

I laugh. “I’m not letting him sweat it out.”

“Girl, please. He knocked out your ex and head-butted him in Longhorn’s.”

I gnaw on my bottom lip. “Is it wrong that I find that kind of hot?”

“No.” Marci says and steps into the room. She sits down on the sofa at my feet and pulls them onto her lap. “That’s not wrong. It’s wrong that he interfered, but at the same time, the dude was just sticking up for you in the most badass way possible.”

“But it could have ruined everything, Marce.” And I didn’t want Cash going to jail on my account. “And I hate feeling like I need to be saved.”

“I’m with you. But at the same time, sometimes it’s nice to be saved.” Marci pointed at me. “But for God’s sake, don’t tell him that.”

I snort.

“Especially not after what he did this morning.”

Ice travels through my veins, and I stare at my bestie.

She gives me a mischievous grin and ties her shock of red hair back into a high ponytail. “He stopped by this morning early and left something for you in the diner downstairs.”

“You gave me a heart attack!” I slap at her.

Marci continues grinning. “Oh, come on, what did you think he did? Hunted down Braydon and made good on his promise?” She gives me a look and starts snarling. “If you come near her again, I’ll rip off your dick and feed it to you. Grar.”

“Did you just grar?”

“I said what I said.” Marci jumps up and puts out her hands. “Wait here. You’re going to love this.” She rushes out of the room and returns a second later with something behind her back. She produces a gorgeous, smooth white box and hands it over.

It’s got an image of a laptop on the front.

I stare at it, confused, then look up at her. “What?”

“He left this for you. Stopped by while the sun was barely up and knocked on the diner door. He said he didn’t want to wake you, but he bought it for you and after what happened that night, he didn’t get around to giving it to you.”

“Are you serious?”

“I mean, he must be if he bought you a laptop,” Marci says. “Swoon. If only they made more men like Cash Taylor.Who am I kidding? I don’t have time for hunky guys who like to buy things for their women.”

“Not even Jesse?”

She narrows her eyes. “You know I hate that guy.”

I burst out laughing, partly because I’m in shock. Braydon bought me stuff when we were together, but it was never thoughtful. It was always upon request. And the gifts never felt like gifts. It felt like an obligation on his part.

This is so different.

Cash noticed what I needed and got it for me without me asking. My throat closes with emotion, and it takes me a second to get it together.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” Marci says, waggling her eyebrows. The door that separates the downstairs from the upstairs shuts a moment later. The diner will get busy soon, and I don’t feel like staying holed up all day. I’ll take my new gift to the library. And after that, I’m helping Daisy and Alex with their song for the end of summer talent show.

I unbox the laptop reverentially.

It’s sleek and silver with great specs—a sixteen-inch screen, loads of hard drive space, and a powerful CPU.

It’s already been set up for me, and “Welcome, June” flashes on the screen. I press my lips together to keep from crying. It’s almost too much.

I pick up my phone and snap a picture of me with the laptop, and text him.

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