Page 3 of Daddy's Lost Rebel

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His previously fearful expression becomes one of suspicion. “Why would you do that?”

My brow furrows. “Why would I help you, you mean?”

“Yeah,” he responds, voice wavering. “What’s in it for you?”

“What’sin itfor me?” I repeat, not liking the sound of the question at all.

“Yes,what do you get out of this?” Beck gives me a firm stare. “Because I’m not going to fuck you for safety. I’d rather get thrown back out into the woods.”

Whoa.My head rears back in shock. “Jesus, Beck,” I comment in surprise.

Sex is thefurthestthing from my mind. He’s nice to look at, I’m not going to deny it, but I’m not thinking about that. Not while he’s just finished crying off his makeup. Not while he’s clearly still freezing. And definitely not while I know nothing about him.

“I wouldn’t—” I shake my head. “Why the hell would you think something like that?”

“You’re a man who lives at the ass-end of nowhere,” he shoots back. “I don’t see anyone here tending to your needs, or whatever the fuck.”

I bark out a laugh, regretting it when he flinches in reaction.

Putting my serious face back on, I level him with a dry look. “If I needed tending to, I’d drive into the city and get myself sorted. I don’t need anything from you, and neither does my dick, alright?”

After a moment, he nods.

“Now come on, before you make yourself sick.”

* * *


His shower is the best thing I’ve felt in weeks. Warm and grounding. Safe.

Unfortunately, I’ve been in here for far too long, and I don’t want to use all of the hot water. Really, I don’t want to piss off Weston in any way. He’s helping me now, but I’m not sure how long that will last. Making him mad is a surefire way of pushing my luck.

Luck, I chuckle. I still can’t believe that I’ve found any at all. I’m not a lucky person by nature. Things don’t just happen for me, and it seems like Weston Rhodes is just happening to me. Offering to hide me, make me warm, and expecting nothing in return… it’s ludicrous.

If someone told me a month ago that running away from home would have me across the country hiding out with a mountain man after breaking into his house… I would have laughed in their face. Yet here I am.

Plain-faced with mostly dry hair, I make a move for the clothes, getting into them fast. I would be mortified if my host walked in on me in this state. I don’t look like myself, and I definitely don’t look appealing this way.

With thick wool socks and a warm cotton crewneck on, I grab the large loungewear pants next. I don’t have underwear, but I don’t really care at the moment. Mostly because I’m not sure which would be worse; borrowing boxers or going commando in Weston’s pants. And honestly, I really don’t want to have the pants taken away from me if neither option is cool with him.

Another issue arises when I pull the sweatpants up, and they promptly fall back down. They’re too big to even rest on my hips. Really, I could probably get away with only wearing the shirt, since it falls to the middle of my thighs, but even with the shower, I’m still a bit cold.

Pulling the pants back up again, I hold them in place at my waist and leave the room, looking for Weston. I spot him in the kitchen, but he must hear me before he sees me.

“Feeling better?” he asks, not even turning around to look.

“Yes, thank you,” I answer quickly, biting my lip. “Any chance you have a rubber band or…?” The question dies on my lips as his eyes find me. They roll down my body, noticing the bunched-up fabric in my hand.

Smoothly, he reaches for the drawer at his side and glides it open, retrieving a black rubber band without removing his eyes from me. I try to smile gratefully and extend a hand, but he doesn’t pass it to me. Instead, he invades my space, coming up to me and rounding the counter where I stand.

This close, I can’t tell if the house smells like warm pine and smoke because of him or if he just smells like his house. Either way, my mouth waters a bit.Embarrassing.

I gasp as he touches me, shifting the cotton into his grip, maneuvering underneath the bottom of the borrowed shirt. His fingers ghost over the bare skin of my back, tying the handful of fabric into a knot. The moment flutters around us, lasting longer than a few seconds but not long enough.

Is it too late to change my mind?Shit, trading sex for safety doesn’t sound nearly as bad if it’s sex with Weston.Why is he so hot?

That dark copper hair and those mossy green eyes are a thing of fantasies. He’s a hard-working man too, built big and tough with no gym muscles in sight.No. Don’t even get started on his body…

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