Page 16 of Journey's Peace

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“Okay, Daddy,” she giggles.

Tanner looks stunned, but so fucking happy as he rubs his chest, right where his heart beats, and Shiloh goes back to decorating cookies.

This holiday season has changed our lives in the best of ways. I’ve found peace for the first time in so long. All because of Tanner.

I wonder what Christmas day will bring.



Journey starts to wake up as I bury my tongue deep inside of her pussy. I love the sounds she makes when she’s primed for me. They go straight to my cock and with her curled up in bed with me all night, I was already dying to be inside of her when I woke up this morning.

I keep one ear listening for Shiloh’s feet, but it seems she’s not one of those kids up at the crack of fucking dawn on Christmas morning. Or maybe I’m getting my Christmas present a little early. Either way, I’m not going to let this opportunity pass by.

“Tanner,” she moans sleepily and buries her fingers in my hair. “Need you inside me.”

“Don’t have to ask me fucking twice, pretty girl,” I growl as I slide up her body.

I shove my boxers down just enough to plunge inside of her tight, wet heat. Needing to see more of her, I push my shirt she’s wearing up until it’s over her tits and I get the full fucking show. Well, most of it.

Journey’s eyes are bright and full of love as she looks up at me. I slam my lips down on hers until I’m swallowing her moans and thrusting inside of her the same way my tongue is in her mouth. The way she clings to me makes me feel like I can do no wrong.

For her, that will always be true.

I’m sure I’ll fuck up now and again. I’m sure we’ll fight.

That’s life.

But we’ll make up and we’ll make it through the tough times because they make the good moments so much sweeter.

I pull back just enough to see her face and bury myself deep inside of my woman and stay there. The walls of her pussy pull at my dick, strangling me and begging me to keep moving.

“I love you, Journey,” my voice is rough, and it has nothing to do with waking up not long ago.

She blinks up at me twice before a wide grin takes over her whole face. “I love you, Tanner. I never thought I’d meet a man like you, one who could love me so completely and show me how much every single day. A man who could look at my daughter and love her and be her dad. Then I met you.”

I swear I’m not fucking on the verge of shedding tears over my woman’s heartfelt confession. It’s just sleep in my eye.

The way her eyes soften as she looks at me tells me I wouldn’t get away with the bullshit if I were to say it out loud. So, I don’t.

I go back to moving my hips, slow and sweet and so damn tantalizing that we’re both breathless and filled with love. When we tip over the edge, we do it together and it’s something words can’t describe.

I never thought I’d settle down, never really imagined there was a woman out there who would make me want to. Part of me wishes I had been around all those years ago when my pretty girl needed me, when she felt all alone. But she needed to go through it, and I wouldn’t have been able to protect her then.

She’s who she is because she was forged in fire. I’m damn proud of who she became on the other side.

Now I can protect her, make her smile, and give her all the good things she deserves in this world while I soak up the love that she gives me so damn readily. I’m a lucky man.

We’re panting when I roll off her and she pushes my shirt back down her body before she burrows against my side. She fits against me perfectly and I soak up the moment.

Right up until I hear footsteps in the hall and pull the sheet up over us to protect little innocent eyes.

Shiloh’s head pops around the door when she starts to open it slowly, but when she sees us awake, she slams through the rest of the way. Her hands find her little hips and she gives us a death glare that women around the world wish they could perfect.

“You’re both awake,” her voice is full of accusation. She throws her hands up in agitation I should not find adorable, but I do. “Why didn’t you wake me up? It’s Christmas!”

“Merry Christmas,” Journey chirps and beams at our daughter.

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