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His whole face now matches his red nose. “No problem! Take your time. I’m fine out here.” He holds up his phone. “I’m just watching the otters I sponsor while I wait. There’s a webcam set up at the zoo.”

Ronald sponsors otters? And he watches them on a webcam?

Is this cute or creepy? Panic floods my system, because I feel like this might go in the good quality category. Otters are pretty adorable. And sponsoring otters means Ronald has a stable enough financial position to do something like … sponsor zoo animals.

But based on the tiny wrinkle in Chelsea’s nose, this is not working for her. Or maybe she’s just had enough animal encounters for the week.

“Cool! Enjoy the, um, otters. I’ll be out in just a sec.”

“You already look great,” Ronald says.

Chelsea’s eyes go wide, meeting mine before she ducks her head back in her room, pulling the robe tighter.

Ronald must realize how that sounds because he drops his phone. “Oh! I didn’t mean—”

I hold up a hand, glowering at him. I don’t even have to fake it this time. “I think we know what you meant.”

His jaw drops, then he closes it with a snap and bends over to retrieve his phone.

In a voice too quiet for Ronald to hear, Chelsea mutters, “Are you going to make things difficult and awkward?”

“Does it matter?” I ask quietly. “I didn’t think you wanted to go on this date. Or any of the dates John set up.”

“I don’t.”

Chelsea gives me a long look. It feels like the kind my mom used to give me if she suspected I was lying about something. As though an intense stare could get me to crack and confess the truth.

It almost works. Ialmostbeg Chelsea not to go out with the otter-sponsoring clown out there. Ialmosttell her to pick me.

I don’t tell her. But I also don’t move. The stare goes on, and suddenly, the atmosphere shifts. Tension coils and flares between us, just like it did last night when I almost kissed her.

Tonight, though, I don’t ruin it. Ronald breaks the moment with a high-pitched baby voice that makes me jolt. “Aren’t you just the cutest thing?”

Chelsea pokes her head out the door again, and we both stare at Ronald, who is talking to his phone screen.

“Oh, yes you are! A cutie patootie. No, don’t bite your brother! Be nice, Barbara. A nice otter-wotter.”

Otter-wotter?Chelsea’s lips press together, and I can see her holding back laughter. I cough to hide my own. We smile at each other again before she seems to remember she’s not happy with me. Her eyes narrow again, and she slams the door in my face without another word.

Sighing, I return to the living room with Ronald, who is still cooing over otters on his phone. After a moment’s hesitation, I sit down right next to him. Practically on top of him. We’re so close the cushion he’s seated on shifts my way, bringing Ronald along with it. I resist my very strong urge to move away.Faraway.

“Tell me about the otters,” I say.

Ronald lights up, already turning his phone so I can see the screen. “You want to see them?”

“I want to knoweverything. And so will Chelsea. She’s going to love this. She loves wild animals. Trust me.”

Yeah, it definitely feels good to be Mr. Not-So-Nice Guy for once. Even if I’m not sure this approach is going to get me the girl in the end.



Disastrous doesn’t quite encompassmy date with Ronald. That would be like calling magmalukewarm. By the time he drives me back to the loft, I’m almost ready to jump out while the car is still moving.

“Well,” Ronald says, pulling up to the curb at John’s building. And then comes the awkwardwhat next?pause.

I could give downtown Austin’s parking a kiss for making this easier on me. Ronald can’t find street parking like he was lucky enough to get earlier, and I’m not about to tell him there are temporary guest spots in the garage. A quick curb drop-off seems like the easiest option for my much-needed escape.

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