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So sweet. So misguided. Soveryolder brother.

“I think you missed the point of the story.” I hold a strand of wet hair in front of my nose.

Ugh! My olfactory abilities have returned and I’m still stinky after the longest shower of my life. Hot enough to turn my skin bright pink like a cooked shrimp. I used almost a full bottle of body wash. Three rounds of shampoo and conditioner. I even tried switching it up—body wash in my hair and shampoo on my body. I’m not sure it even made a dent.

Which sucks. Because tonight, I’d really like to decorate the Christmas tree Mason so thoughtfully purchased without smelling abhorrent. I guess I have until tonight to figure out a solution. After I nap, of course. I’m exhausted after all the hiking and climbing we did yesterday (pre-skunk). And it’s not like we got much sleep (post-skunk). I also happen to love naps.

“I didn’t miss the point,” John says. “The point is—you choose to date guys who allow you to get sprayed by a skunk.”

“Chase jumped in front of the skunk, remember?”

“But not foryou. Which shows his flawed reasoning. Because who could be better than you?” I’m about to tell him thanks when he adds, “So, yeah—you can’t be trusted to make dating choices.”

I don’t even think about telling him it was a blind date set up by a new internet friend. He’d charter a private jet to come home and lock me in his loft forever.

“John,” I whine. “You were supposed to laugh at my misfortune and terrible luck. Not reprimand me. Also, Chase isn’t a loser. He’s just in love with someone else.”

“If he’s in love with someone else, why was he going on a date with you in the first place?”

The words slice right through me like one of those infomercial knives that can cut clean through a watermelon in one slice. Because John might as well ask me the exact same question.

Why wasIgoing on a date when I’m in love with someone else?


The word makes me feel slightly ill. Or maybe that’s the skunk smell.

I suspectloveis what I feel for Mason. Not a crush but something far deeper and more serious, like a splinter lodged right next to my heart.

The idea isn’t something I can process at the moment so I shove it out of mind.

But John’s right about this at least—the date was a dumb idea. When Sam first suggested it, I said no way. Then, I let myself be persuaded by her logical arguments. And the fact that she’s THE Dr. Love.

And itwaslogical—if Mason had feelings and saw me going out with another guy, it could stoke the fires of jealousy. Or, if no fires were stoked, maybe Chase and I would hit it off, and I could finally move on from Mason. Win-win, right?

But I’m oh-for-two. Lose-lose.

No fires were stoked. And Chase got his HEA with Harper—which left me with lots of questions for Sam about in my next email to her.

So, now I’m left back where I started. But smelling far worse. And getting lectured like I’m a child.

“It’s complicated,” I tell John. “But definitely not Chase’s fault. It just wasn’t meant to be.”

He scoffs. “I should come home and track that loser down,” John grumbles, and I shake my head, sinking down on my bed and pulling on a pair of fuzzy socks.

My pajama shorts are short but notthatshort but the socks make them feel more appropriate somehow. Not that it matters. Mason probably left for work while I was attempting to de-skunkify. Though he’s not quite married to his job doing some finance thing I don’t understand, he does work a lot. In any case, Mason is going to have to get used to seeing me in my pjs. When I’m at home, I spend ninety-five percent of my time in pajamas.

“Again, not a loser. And I don’t need you to do the whole big brother thing.”

John chuckles, but I can tell he’s still debating whether he needs to track down Chase and make him pay. John may not know that I know, but he’s exacted some kind of creative revenge with ANY guy who’s ever hurt me. Nothing violent or illegal, but definitely enough to make them sorry they ever messed with me. He’s even gotten Mason involved a few times which I feel … conflicted about.

On the one hand—swoon!—Mason showing protective vibes.

On the other—ick!—Mason being involved in brotherly stuff.

“Iamyour big brother,” John says. “I can’t help being protective, Chels.”


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