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“You went to the gym and then … came backhere?” I ask slowly. Now I’m the one frowning.

Mason nods. “Yes.”

We go back to staring at each other, which I’d like a lot more if we weren’t staring in confusion. We’re clearly crossing our signals here. I ask again, “Butwhydid you come back here after the gym?”

“To shower. And then eat.”

“Do you usually shower at John’s loft?”

“I shower here because John said I could stay here while he’s gone,” Mason says slowly. Then, as he takes in my expression, he adds, “What?”

Understanding slams into me with the full force of a wrecking ball.

“John said I could stay here too. Which I guess means … now we’re roommates?”



I am goingto kill my best friend. I will hop on the next plane to Madrid, track him down even with my limited knowledge of Spanish, and toss him off the nearest building.

Or … maybe just dangle him over the roof by his ankles. I’m not really a violent man.

Even if John absolutely deserves it in this particular case.

“He said you could stay here too?” I ask Chelsea, hoping she’s about to tell me she’s just kidding.

“Yeah. And he gave me specific instructions to move in today,” Chelsea says, looking a little stunned. “Which seemed weird, but it’s John. You?”

“He told me to move in two days ago.”

“Why wouldn’t he just tell us?”

That, I don’t know. But I do intend to find out. Once I figure out what to do about this predicament.

“It’s John,” I tell her. “Who knows why he does the things he does?”

“I can’t argue with that.” Chelsea scrunches her nose. “Maybe he forgot?”

“No way,” I say, even though Chelsea clearly doesn’t think this is a viable option either. “John is way too uptight to make this kind of mistake. Plus, he gave us specific and different dates to move in.”

Which means he had some kind of plan here. But what?

Iwillfind out. But not right now.

“You’re right.” She sighs. “So … do you get to call dibs since you were here first? Do we arm wrestle for it?”

I chuckle. “No.”

“A battle of wits, perhaps? Ooh!” Her eyes get bright and her smile widens. “We could do a wholePrincess Bridething with the poison in the glasses! I mean, without poison, obviously. But some kind of battle of wits where—”

“Chels, there are two bedrooms. We can both just stay.”

The words are out of my mouth before I realize what I’m saying. Or, rather, before the implications of this sink in.

Chelsea and I … cohabitating in this loft. Living together. Being roommates. Sharing the same space. Breathing the same air. Seeing each other daily.

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