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My chest feels funny, as I wheeze out, “You kind of freak me out.”

“I know.” He lets out a breath. “You’ll get used to it.”

“Will I?”

“Yeah, eventually.” I hear a smile in his voice, and I want to look at him to see his expression, but I don’t. “Sleep.”

“You know, you’re also kind of bossy.”

“Figure you’ll get used to that too.”

I don’t snort or roll my eyes, even though I want to. I definitely don’t tell him that I won’t get used to it because this won’t work between us. As good as this feels, I need to fight it. I need to remember where I come from, who I come from. I know that if Cobi ever finds out about my family, his opinion of me will change, and he will look at me like every other man I’ve told about my past has—with contempt and horror.

“You’re safe, Hadley.” He reads the tightening in my body, thinking I’m scared, and my eyes squeeze closed. Seriously, he’s sweet.

When his lips brush the top of my head, I burrow closer to him without a word, telling myself that tomorrow I’ll pull away and put up my walls against him. But tonight, I’m going to sleep in his arms and pretend this could work out, like if he found out about my past he wouldn’t care.

Chapter 7


WHEN MY CELL PHONE buzzes in my purse, I continue to work and ignore it like I’ve done all day today, feeling nauseous when the buzzing stops then starts up again. Yesterday morning, Cobi left early, giving me a sweet kiss to my forehead then lips before telling me that he would see me later. After he was gone, I laid in bed for a long time in a sleepy, happy daze, still feeling the lingering of his soft kiss to my lips.

It wasn’t until I got up, had a cup of coffee, and in my happy haze answered my phone that reality came crashing down around me. Normally, I never answer when I see one of my parents is calling, but I answered without thinking and immediately wished I hadn’t. At just ten in the morning, my dad was drunk and probably high. He slurred as he asked me if I had really been shot at by—in his words—some fucked up doctor.

After my answer of yes and explaining to him what happened, he asked if he could borrow some money to help pay his and Mom’s electric bill that is overdue. His non-reaction wasn’t a surprise; still, it hurt that he didn’t really care if I was okay or that I could’ve died.

I’m sure the only reason he called was to ask for money. Finding out if the rumors were true was just a bonus. After I told him no, that I didn’t have money to help him with the electric bill, he hung up on me, but not before I listened to him mutter about how ungrateful I’ve always been. It wasn’t a surprise that my mom didn’t call demanding answers, since where mothers are concerned she’s the worst of the worst. She should never have had kids, and thankfully after me she never had another. My dad, on the other hand, has three more kids, each with a different woman.

I didn’t technically lie when I told Cobi it’s just me and that I don’t have siblings. I have never met my three younger brothers, and probably never will. Each of the women who had kids with my dad smartly left after realizing what a lowlife he is and that in the end he’s stuck with my mom or they are stuck with each other.

My parents are still married, probably because divorce is expensive, but they are no longer in a relationship and haven’t been for years. They do share the trailer I grew up in, and both live there when they are not leeching off someone they’re hooking up with. My dad sells drugs from time to time, when someone is stupid enough to trust him with their product and money, and my mom works at a local bar and has since I can remember. How she’s kept a job for so long when she’s almost always wasted is anyone’s guess, but she’s done it.

My desk phone ringing pulls me from my thoughts, and I reach out, grab it, and put it to my ear. “Hadley speaking.”

“Ugh, I just thought I’d warn you,” Brie starts, sounding worried, and I sit up in my chair as she continues. “I was leaving the parking lot and saw what looks like a very pissed off Cobi Mayson heading into the office.”

“What?” I look around for someplace to hide, and then my eyes widen when I spot Cobi talking to one of my co-workers whose desk is near the front door and see him flash his badge.

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