Page 76 of Catered All the Way

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“He’s perfect.” Zeb glowed like the star on the top of the tree, eyes twinkling as he petted Snowy. He set the dog down so he could give me a tight hug. “Just like you.”

“Awww.” Paige left the couch to come admire the dog. “Welcome to the family, Snowy Seasons.”

“I did promise you a home and dogs.” My face heated from all the attention, but when Zeb rested his head on my shoulder, there was nowhere in the world I’d rather be.

“You did.” Zeb gazed up at me with so much love and adoration it was a wonder my heart could hold it all.

“Hey, one of the neighbors put up a For Sale sign last week,” Gabe added cheerfully. “Snowy’s going to need a yard. Just saying.”

“Let’s worry about getting through the wedding first.” Zeb laughed as he held up his hands before bending to pet the dog. The ring I’d given him as part of the Thanksgiving proposal caught the tree lights. Zeb hadn’t removed it since he’d put it on, which I loved. “I still can’t believe I—we—are getting married for New Year’s.”

Pine toddled closer and held up his arms, so I scooped him up. He patted my chin approvingly. “Unca.”

“That’s right!” Paige kissed the baby on the top of his head. “That’s your Uncle Atlas.”

“Welcome to the family, Atlas Orion Seasons.” Zeb stood back up and kissed me softly. “This might be my favorite Christmas yet.”

“Just wait till next year.” I kissed him back. Last Christmas had been the best, then this year better, and I could already picture next year, packing Snowy up for the trek to Kringle’s Crossing, adding to Zeb’s ornament collection, pulling into that house Gabe mentioned, For Sale sign long gone, our own tree in the window, champagne chilling in the fridge… Yep. My favorite season would grow more and more magical with each passing year, and I couldn’t wait to see it all.
