Page 39 of Catered All the Way

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“You think?”

“I know so. I’ve watched a few of your videos on breaks at Seasons.” I hadn’t intended to reveal my reconnaissance on his gaming stream, but Zeb’s uncertainty made me want to reassure him. “The comments are always filled with tweens who idolize you. That’s pretty cool.”

“Thank you.” Zeb leaned in for a fast kiss. “Both for watching and for saying that. It’s my dream career. And it’s not only the playing-games-all-day thing. I like interacting with people of all ages. Games bring people together and give them an outlet they might not otherwise have for connection.”

“See? That’s awesome.” I kissed him right back. “And your pricey computer equipment saved tonight for the Zimmermans.”

“True.” He offered me a small, proud smile that touched a place deep in my chest.

“Also, sure, you’re living here now, but you know what you want for the future.”

“Do I?” Zeb flopped his damp head onto my shoulder. “Still feels like I’m figuring that out. I guess I’d like a house of some sort. Backyard with a grill. A mutt or two. I’ve always wanted one of those big dogs where no one can guess all the breeds.”

The laugh that escaped my chest hurt because I could so easily picture that. Zeb with a little house with a room full of electronics for his gamer command central. Two big floppy, furry beasts at his feet. Meat marinating in the fridge for the grill. And someone—someone not me—entering through the side door. Zeb deserved all of that, even if it fucking hurt to think of that someone who might get to share those dreams.

“See, you do know. With me, it’s different.” Sighing, I leaned more against him. I wished I had a vision like his for myself. “It’s wanting something I’ve never had.”

“When has that ever stopped you?” Zeb turned slightly so he could peer deep into my eyes. “You didn’t have security, structure, or long-term friends growing up, and you went out and built a life that has all three.”

“Huh. I guess I did.” When I’d first joined up, I’d been an angry, hurt kid, but sometime over the last fifteen years, I’d built a life I was proud of, a life that looked nothing like my nomadic childhood.

“So do that for a life after the navy.” Zeb’s eyes widened and color rose up his cheeks. “Identify what you’d like and then set about filling those desires. Who cares if you don’t know how to do whatever? Not you. You’d figure it out.”

“Your faith in me is admirable.” My throat went tight, making my voice drop to a near whisper. “Possibly misplaced, but admirable.”

“It’s not misplaced,” Zeb said firmly. “I’m not hero-worshipping you. I look at you and see someone fighting to overcome his past.” He placed a hand on my chest, right below my phoenix tattoo. “I know it’s not all roses and heroic deeds, and it hasn’t been easy, but that’s why I’m proud of you.”

“Wow…” I had to stop and swallow hard. I’d had friends for years, including Gabe, who’d never seemed to see me as well as Zeb did. “I’m proud of you as well.”

“Thank you. And we’re both trying. That’s what matters.” Zeb pressed a fast kiss to my mouth. However, it was the sadness in his eyes that gave me pause. What matters. What mattered to me was Zeb being happy and fulfilled. And if I thought for a second that I could do the job, I’d sign up that moment.

“Zeb, I wish—” Like earlier, he cut me off with a deep kiss.

“Shush.” He placed a finger on my lips. “You know better than to say a wish out loud.”

“What about a wish for another kiss?” I asked lightly. That wasn’t what I’d been about to wish for at all, but we didn’t need to go there right now, not when everything felt so right. Being here in Zeb’s bed was all that mattered.

“That I can grant.” Deftly, Zeb set the plates of food next to our cups of champagne on the nightstand.

“Figured you could.” My smirk turned to a gasp as Zeb slithered down my front.

“I can kiss more than your mouth.”



“Can you?” Atlas sounded lazy but interested, which was a good sign. I licked a line down his sternum before grinning up at him.

“I can.” I was deliciously buzzed on expensive champagne and Atlas. He turned me on simply by being in the same room, but with added snowball fights, picnics in bed, and bubbly drinks, I’d reached new heights of horniness. I peppered his well-defined pecs and the colorful tattoos with kisses, gradually working my way down his body, taking the covers with me until all his gorgeous, tanned flesh was mine.

“This okay?” I glanced up so I could study his reaction. We’d made an exhaustive inventory of every possible variation on making out, rubbing off, and using our hands. I’d loved all of it more than I could ever adequately express, but I was also dying to taste him. However, since he was essentially a virgin to dude-on-dude action, I hadn’t wanted to rush him.
