Page 28 of Catered All the Way

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“What do we do now?” he asked against my lips, voice low and urgent.

“This.” Reaching between us, I aligned our cocks and started a slow stroke.

“Oh.” Atlas groaned, eyes closing and head tipping back. He let me play for a few more strokes. Trying to get my hand around both of us was a challenge I was happy to accept. I leaned back to allow more room so I could add my other hand, but the resulting motion was as awkward as it was erotic. Eyes opening, Atlas stared down at our cocks. “Can I try?”

“Please.” I happily readjusted my position so Atlas could use his bigger, broader hand. His grip was perfect, the way he used pressure from his thumb to keep us aligned. “Oh my fucking God.”

“Nah.” He gave a strained laugh. “You’re the spectacular one.”

“Spectacularly homey?” I had to tease. Laughing was good because it meant I wasn’t coming in record time quite yet.

“Just spectacular.” His gaze was locked on his fist and the slide of our cocks. “I love how your cock fits against mine.”

I frowned. I agreed that we looked sexy, but the position also emphasized our size difference. “Mine isn’t as long—”

“Hush. It’s perfect.” He stroked and teased the back of my shaft with featherlight fingertips before resuming jacking us together.

“So is your hand.”

“Kiss me.” Even before he finished the demand, he sought my lips with a ravenous mouth. He kissed like someone had started a countdown timer to the end of the world, desperate and needy, as if he needed to inhale every possible moment of pleasure.

“I can’t decide what I like better,” I gasped. “The kissing or the touching.”

“Both.” He jacked us more purposefully as his tongue delved deep. I loved how his grip tightened at the top of his stroke, pushing my cockhead against his shaft, allowing me to feel every ridge and vein. My cock leaked more precome than ever, and my balls kept lifting and tightening right along with my thighs and ass.

“Atlas. I’m gonna come.”

“Not yet.” He gritted out the words. “I don’t want this to end.”

“We can do it again later. Promise.” I gave a breathless laugh.

“Oh, there’s an idea.” He mouthed all along my neck. “Seconds.”

“And thirds.”

That got a chuckle out of him. “You’re highly optimistic for a guy pushing thirty.”

“Hey, I dream big.” Really, I dreamed of Atlas, had for years, but he didn’t need to know that. And every kiss and touch made me dream that much grander. I wanted more. Wanted everything.

“I know.” Atlas kissed me hard before I could ask what he meant. He stroked us faster, breath coming in harsh pants against my mouth. “Fuck. Now I’m there. Get there with me, baby.”

“I am. God. Tell me.” I didn’t truly need his permission to come, and it wasn’t a game I’d ever played before. Somehow, though, I wanted it. Wanted him to order me so I could comply and bask in pleasing him.

“Come. Come now.” A low rumble escaped his chest as the pressure of his hand increased. He swept his thumb back and forth, and that was it. Moaning, I erupted all over his fist.

“Good. So good. Zeb.” Atlas’s praise was the sexiest thing ever, and I managed another spurt as he also came. “Goddamn.”

“I’ll say.” I laughed giddily before stretching in his embrace, delighting in the way he held me that much tighter. “And tell me you’re serious about seconds.”

“And thirds, apparently.”

“I’m serious.” I tried to glare at him, but I was undoubtedly too come-drunk to pull it off. “No freaking out?”

“No freaking out.” He sighed, resigned but not miserable. As long as he wasn’t drowning in regret, I could work with that. “I mean, I’m not really looking for a lecture from your brother—”

“We can keep it on the down-low,” I said quickly. “But no reason not to keep it going.”

“While I’m here.” Atlas apparently needed to clarify, and I frowned. I could do without the reminder that any time together was short and finite. Yawning, he nuzzled my neck. “Damn. The adrenaline is finally wearing off. Seconds later. Promise.”

“Good.” I didn’t particularly want to believe he’d only come to me because of adrenaline from the emergency, but if it had propelled us to this wonderful place where he’d agreed to keep things going, I’d take it. “Sleep now.”

Long after we’d haphazardly cleaned up and snuggled under my covers, I watched him sleep, a protectiveness I’d never felt before blanketing me. Rather than being upset about him using sex to deal with adrenaline, I reframed it as something special I could offer him. It might be temporary, but I would happily be his recharging port.




“Easy. Easy. Slow,” Zeb coached in patient tones. How he managed to make rearranging the window display at Seasons sexy, I had no clue. But I’d been half hard the whole time we’d been working. The frequent changing of the items in the large picture window in the Seasons store was a holiday tradition. Zeb’s grandmother had started it, then his mom and Paige had kept the practice going. Gabe was busy working on the accounts, so Zeb had volunteered us to rotate the display.
