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Juliet pierced her with a get-real expression. “We got your back. In everything. You’re not alone in this, Eve.” She stepped closer, lowering her voice. “I know how you feel because I’ve felt the same way.”

Griffin and Bryce both exhaled sharply at the reminder of Juliet’s past troubles, though both women ignored them as Juliet continued.

“He’s going to try to make you feel insecure and small, like you’re weak and pathetic. A glance here or a smirk there. Gerald did the same. Sometimes, it worked. I couldn’t forget those moments of terror, and that one glance swept me right back to the moment. And then I’d look at Grif or Bryce and I felt safe. It reminded me I wasn’t alone anymore.”

“You never were,” Griffin growled under his breath.

Both women still ignored it.

“I want you to have that same feeling. That you’re not alone anymore. You have people right next to you, supporting you and loving you. That’s why I’m here,” Juliet said with a determined look in her eyes.

No matter what Eve might say—go away, I don’t want you here—Juliet wouldn’t listen. Eve appreciated the support more than she would ever be able to express.

Bryce tossed a thumb toward Juliet with a gentle smile. The same one Griffin wore earlier in the morning. “What she said, but better than I would’ve. Like I told you the other day, you’re stuck with us.”

That’s something she didn’t mind one bit.

Eve drew in a large breath, then let it out slowly. She turned toward Griffin and held out her hand. He was offering his support in every possible way, and she needed to make sure he understood how important that was to her.

The way his lips curled up into an easy smile as he slid his hand into hers said she’d conveyed the correct message.

They stepped into the courtroom, and Eve’s heart lurched at the sight of Darrian. She managed to keep in perfect stride with Griffin and didn’t bat an eye when Darrian twisted his gaze her way.

Eve smiled at Darcy, the sweet yet fierce barracuda when needed, who’d said yes in a heartbeat when Griffin asked to represent Eve today. Griffin kissed her before sitting in the front row with Juliet and Bryce, while Eve took a seat next to Darcy at the table to the right of the courtroom.

“You look very confident,” Darcy said, leaning closer so Darrian wouldn’t hear. “I know the nerves are swimming around, but you got this. Judge Rider is a fair man.”

“Thank you for being here.”

“Of course. Anytime you need me.”

Despite the urge to look over at Darrian, she held it in. Nothing good would come from looking at him, other than the terror running rampant through her veins. As Juliet had said, the memories would assault her, and she didn’t need that right now. Not ever.

Judge Rider entered soon after and the proceedings started. Darcy, who’d sat down with Eve two days ago, reiterated all the reasons the order of protection needed to remain in place. That Darrian was a danger to her and she didn’t feel safe.

When Mr. Torrenson, Darrian’s lawyer, started speaking, Eve felt her safety boat sinking. Not in shallow waters either. Deep, dark waters where she knew she’d perish.

“Your Honor, I have several documents that illustrate Ms. Carrington has been under severe mental strain in the past few years since her parents tragically passed away. Of course, it was also hard on Mr. Carrington. While he managed to contain those emotions, she struggled. In and out of treatment. Taking medication.” He widened his eyes as if shocked by the news. “And sometimes taking said medication while under the influence. The police had to be called several times for her erratic behavior. If Mr. Carrington ever laid a hand on her it was to ensure she didn’t harm herself. I also have several documents showing she has been admitted to the hospital at least three times for self-harm. Mr. Carrington wants nothing more than to make sure his sister is safe and cared for. He’d never harm her.”

Eve’s heart pounded so rapidly, she thought it would burst right out of her chest. She watched in horror as the bailiff handed the papers Mr. Torrenson had given him to the judge. She knew without looking at them herself they would appear legit and legal. Because Darrian wasn’t anything but efficient.

Lie. All lies, of course. But that wouldn’t matter because he always won. She had fought back every single time he hurt her. And every single time, she had come out the loser. Today wouldn’t be anything different.

The room was silent as the judge rifled through the papers. She stared straight ahead awaiting the verdict she knew was coming. She couldn’t even turn around to look Griffin in the eye. Did he believe the lies too? Why wouldn’t he? She’d lied from the first moment she met him.

Darcy, her lawyer, even tensed next to her as if also believing the words as the truth.

Judge Rider looked up, his eyes swiveling to her. She couldn’t decipher what he was thinking.

“Mr. Carrington, what is your hope here today?” Judge Rider asked. “If I remove the order of protection, what are your intentions toward your sister?”

“Your Honor, before she ran away, I had spoken to her about being more active in the day-to-day operations concerning the hotels. It’s a lot of work to run a business. I need more help. We’re supposed to be doing it together. That’s what our parents wanted. I want my sister to come home. I want to run the business together.”

Bile coated her throat as his smarmy voice filled the room. She’d flee again before she ever went anywhere with him. The only thing he wanted was ultimate control. Over her. Over the business. Over everything.

Judge Rider met her gaze. “And Ms. Carrington, what are your thoughts on the company? You do own half of it. I can only imagine how difficult it is to manage. How do you intend to do that from here?”

All those reassurances that Judge Rider was an impartial and fair man felt empty. He wasn’t on her side. He wasn’t out to protect her.
