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“That’s most men in the world,” Sarah says. “Have you never met them before? I think she means, seeing as he’s her brother’s best friend.”

“Yeah. He’s my brother’s best friend and he’s now my boss.”

“But he hasn’t slept with you since he became your boss, right?” Sarah says. “So he’s not being inappropriate.” I glare at her.

“That’s not the point. I just think that he’s a pig and he shouldn’t be able to go around New York City sleeping with random different women at different bars and dancing with them, and, and...” I stop. “Oh my gosh. I sound like a jealous shrew, don’t I?”

“You do sound a little bit jealous,” Isabel says. “I kind of think you might have...”

“Don’t even say it.” I glare at her. She looks over at Sarah.

“You have feelings for him?”


“What? You said to Isabel she can’t say anything. You didn’t say to me I can’t say anything.”

“It’s not even a thing,” I say, knowing I am not making sense. I feel myself standing up and they both glare at me.

“What are you doing, Ella?”

“I’m doing something that Colton deserves,” I say as I head toward him. I’m not thinking straight. I know I’m not thinking straight because I’ve had three lemon drops and I haven’t had a drink in a while. Well, maybe a couple of days, but I’d only had one glass of wine, so that didn’t really count. I head over to Colton’s booth and stop, my hands on my hips. “Hello. Fancy seeing you here, Colton Hart,” I say. Colton looks up at me in surprise. He nods slightly.

“Hello? Didn’t know you were here tonight, Ella.”

“Of course you didn’t,” I say as my eyes travel to the blonde, she’s even more stunning in person. “Who are you,” I ask, groaning inside.

Shut up, Ella.

“Hi. I am...” She reaches her hand out, but I turn toward Colton again, ignoring her.

“I cannot believe you would do this to me, Colton.” I fake tears. He looks shocked. Even I’m shocked at the way this is going. What has come over me?

“What’s going on?” He blinks in confusion and I can tell that he has no idea what’s about to happen next. Neither do I really, as I’m just making it up as I go.

“I’m pregnant with your baby and you’re here in a club with someone else,” I say. His jaw drops and I look over at the girl and her eyes are wide as saucers. I feel a little thrill inside as I rub my stomach. “And I was going to go and get a sonogram tomorrow,” I say, looking at him. “And I thought you would want to know if it was a boy or a girl.”

“Ella,” he says, shaking his head, “Do not...”

“Do not what? Expose you for the fraud that you are, Colton? I want everyone to know.” My voice raises and I feel satisfied for two seconds before the regret and panic start taking over.


“Melissa Sunshine,” Colton says, standing up, “I would like you to meet my assistant, Ella Wynter.” He turns to me. “Ella, this is my business associate, Melissa Sunshine. She works at the bank.” My eyes widen as I realize the mistake that I’ve made. “Melissa, Ella is a little bit of a prankster. She likes to think of every day as April Fools.” He stares at me. “I’m not going to tell you again, Ella, but these jokes and this stalking are not really funny anymore.”

“What?” My jaw drops. What is he talking about? Stalking? Does he really think I’m stalking him? Is he crazy?

“I can only assume that you looked in my calendar to see where I would be this evening,” he says, placing his hand on my lower back. I look up at him and I can see his eyes glittering as he looks down on me. “You must stop following me around. I know you have a crush on me, but...”

“I do not have a crush on you,” I say, shaking my head. “I cannot believe—” I gasp as I feel his hand moving down to my ass and squeezing. “Colton!” I say.

“Look, Ella. I didn’t want to embarrass you in front of other people, but I did see that you were on that Sugar Baby website the other day.”

“What?!” I look over at Melissa, who’s looking down at the table. I can tell she feels embarrassed, but not for herself, for me. She’s believing everything that Colton is saying, and I just want to shrivel up and die. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I—”

“I saw your profile and I did speak to Sam,” he says, “Because I’m worried about you. I’m concerned that you are going down a deep, dark road yet again.”

“What are you talking about?!” I say, staring at him. “You—”

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