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“He’s going to think I’m a slut.” Which he is slightly entitled to think. I mean, I was dirty dancing with him without having any clue who he was. However, the reality of my life is that I’m far from a slut. I’m not even that good at flirting, which is something I’ve been meaning to work on for years.

“So?” she says. “Do you care? He’s already acting like a jackass, right?”

“That’s true,” I say, laughing. I love it when Isabel is rude about Colton. She has not drunk his Kool-Aid. I know I should stick up for him a little bit, but I don’t want to. He has enough people stroking his ego as it is. “Anyway, I’d better go. I don’t want to get in trouble on my first day.”

I hang up the phone quickly, look at the ginormous stack of files on the table and sigh. I grab a pen and the notepad and open the first file so I can start doing some work. This isn’t the job that I’ve dreamed of, but it is a job, after all.

I notice that a lot of the community names in Florida have a beach, lake, or ranch after them. I start drawing some doodles that I think would be cool to go along with those names. I find that I’m not exactly hating doing the research. It’s interesting to me to see how much money people spend on buildings in Florida. I wish I could buy a house for three hundred thousand dollars in New York City. I couldn’t even get a shoebox for that price.

I wonder what it would be like to own my own home. To decorate it. To buy nice furniture. To have a yard. I’d have to keep this job for far longer than a couple of months if I ever wanted to get a mortgage. I find myself drawing different house exteriors, trying to imagine what my ideal home would look like. I giggle as the designs become larger and far more extravagant. I even add two dogs outside the front door of the last drawing.

“Yeah, right.” I shake my head as I imagine living in a huge home. That is never going to happen unless I marry rich. But I didn’t know any rich men, aside from Colton, and I certainly am never going to marry him.

Before I know it, the time has caught up to me and I jump up so I can meet my friends for lunch. I’m hungry and excited to think about something other than my new boss.


“Girl, what is going on with you and your sex god boss?” Sarah asks me as I nibble on my Waldorf salad. I’m hungry, but I don’t seem to have an appetite to really enjoy my food.

“I don’t even understand what is going on,” I say, shaking my head. “Colton is an enigma.” I realize that I wish I understood him better. I want to be in his head. I also wonder if he thinks about and talks about me as much as I talk about him. Somehow, I doubt it. He didn’t get to be a billionaire by spending lunches with his friends talking about the last girl he banged.

“I’m sure he loves it when you say that,” Isabel giggles, and I just shake my head.

“Look, I’m not going to lie. The sex was pretty good,” I say and glare at them. “If either one of you laugh, I will go off.”

“Why would we laugh?” Sarah says. “In fact, I’m kind of jealous. I want amazing sex.”

“Me too,” Isabel says, “especially with someone as hot as Colton Hart.”

“He’s not that hot. Trust me,” I say. “And by the way, I left the website open.” I stare at them and shake my head. “I don’t know if it was a good idea, but I figure if he does come to my desk and look, then he can get a surprise.”

“I cannot believe you signed up for Sugar Babies,” Sarah says, laughing. “That is absolutely crazy.”

“Hey, it wasn’t my idea. It was Isabel’s.”

“Yeah, because I think it’s super funny. If he does see that, he’s going to be beside himself,” Isabel says, shaking her head. “So, how long is this going to last anyway?”

“I don’t know,” I say, staring at them both, “because frankly, I don’t really understand what’s going on.” I sit back, chew on the lettuce and look around the restaurant. We’re in a nice part of the city, a part that I wouldn’t normally eat out in because everything’s so expensive, but now that I have a job making so much money, I’ve told them both I’m treating them. “What if he fires me as soon as I get back?” I say. “What if this is all one big joke to him?”

“He won’t,” Isabel says quickly. “He’s not that much of a jackass.”

“I don’t know. If you would’ve seen him earlier today.”

“He likes you,” Sarah says. “He was all upset that you were still wearing your clothes from yesterday. He totally thought you banged Danny, which, by the way, what is going on with him?”

“I don’t know what’s going on with Danny. I think that he’s most probably super stressed out because he’s a single father and, you know.” I shrug.

“Are you sure he’s not looking for something else?” Isabel says and I glare at her.

“No, he’s not. He’s Frannie’s dad. That’s it.”

“Hey, no need to shoot the messenger.”

“It’s just annoying. You and Colton have said something to me about him, and he’s not like that. He’s just a nice guy, and I am just the babysitter of his daughter, and he appreciates that.”

“Sure,” Isabel says, “if that’s what you think.”

“It is what I think, and it is what I know as well,” I say. I let out a deep sigh. “I’m sorry, guys. I don’t mean to be all bitchy. I’m just super stressed out. I just don’t know what’s going on here.”

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