Page 15 of Queen of Chaos

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“Find her, now! She could not have vanished. I’ll not have my future pet out here lost, or worse, rutting with the trash. We need her on our side if we’re ever to return home again. Plus, I cannot ascend the throne without her. Once I’ve ascended, she can be punished for such things.” The bottom dropped out of my stomach as repulsion tightened my throat. That slimy little fucker was about to find out I wasn’tthatbitch.

“Good thing the princess isn’t hard on the eyes since you’ll also need to bed the bitch,” a masculine voice joined the others.

“The princess is a means to an end. Griffon may be blinded by his daughter and willing to look beyond her blatant disregard for our people, but I am not,” Aden snapped coldly. “Aria Hecate is not loyal to this kingdom, nor can she be allowed to lead our people. Aria willingly traveled with the enemy, which proved she’s a dragon’s whore. I may wed her, but she’ll never hold authority over the Kingdom of Fire. I won’t allow it, ever. Once we’re wed, her power becomes mine to wield.”

“Eavesdropping is beneath you, princess,” the guard I’d dismissed whispered against my ear as his hand clamped over my lips. I jerked back and let out a startled scream against his palm. “Stop struggling against me and be silent. Don’t make me skewer the prince tonight. Not only would it be tediously messy, but would also not look good for either of us if your intended fiancé ended up dead by my blade.” After he put some distance between us, and Aden and his men, he removed his hand from my mouth.

“Care to explain what he meant when he said he intended towedme?” I hissed through clenched teeth. To his credit, the poor guy looked uncomfortable, but answered, anyway.

“Aden is your father’s choice for your hand. Shouldn’t you be rejoicing that he chose the most loyal, eligible bachelor for his only daughter.”

“Fuck that shit,” I growled as I touched my fingertips to my lips. “I'd rather marry a pineapple and ride it into battle like a steed.” His eyes sparkled at my vehemently hissed words.

“You are a lot like your grandmother. A pretty face did not sway her either. A word of warning, if I may.” I nodded. “No one will accept your claim without you earning it first because you’re an outsider here. It won’t matter that you’re supposed to be our savior, everyone is aware that you’re sleeping with the enemy. That won’t win over your people.”

“And I should listen to you, why? I don’t know you, nor do I trust you. So, who do I have the privilege of speaking to?” I asked, exhausted by the insanity of whiplash this place was handing out. Wasn’t enduring that torture enough?

“I’m the head of your guard and the one man who swore to protect you from harm. I am Zyion, Head of the Queen’s Guard, and Crown Prince of the Vanir. I was your grandmother’s guard, protector, and confidant for her entire life. Griffon isn’t against you, but his brothers won’t step aside for an outsider to steal the throne from beneath them. They’ll band together against you and easily win the vote of the people. I hope you didn’t plan to claim it merely by strolling in, Aria.”

“I didn’t assume it would be easy, no. I also never intended to claim the throne. Scylla told me I didn’t have a choice. According to her, if I don’t claim my birthright, which is the throne, Hecate won’t be forced from the land until I do so.”

“Then it seems as if you need me after all,” he stated.

“I didn’t say that. In fact, I don’t need your help at all, Zyion of the Blah-blah-blah,” I muttered crossly. If the prick expected me to remember his titles at the sheer level of exhaustion I’d hit, he was mistaken. “Goodnight, sir.” I dodged his hand as it shot out to catch my arm, but then we both paused at the sound of footsteps. A second later, Aden rounded the bend and chuckled joyfully. It took effort not to gag at the sight of him. Zyion noted it and stifled a chuckle as Aden and his crew came into sight.

“Aria,” he whispered, and my eyes couldn’t roll hard enough at the mocked relief lacing his tone. “Your father and I have been worried sick. You vanished without so much as a trace of where you went.”

“I was with Scylla Prometheus,” I disclosed as the men with him watched my every move. They were also alert and watchful of Zyion, who smoothly stepped in front of me. The tension grew, making my hackles rise. He didn’t trust them any more than I did.

“I was just taking the princess back to her father,” Zyion stated firmly.

Aden closed the distance between us and slid his hand behind my back. “That won’t be necessary. I’ll escort her back myself.”

Chapter Eight


Aden’shandonthesmall of my back made my skin crawl, and I had to force myself not to shake it off or step away. His men had surrounded me until I could not see anything beyond their stocky figures as they marched me toward a large, opulent entry to the palace. The eyes of the men on either side of me kept sliding over the exposed flesh as we moved past the sentries stationed outside of the dining hall.

I swallowed the uneasy feeling creeping through me as Aden’s palm touched the exposed flesh on my lower back. The brush of his skin against mine was abhorrent, and again, I had to remind myself not to step away. Until I could get a better idea of how powerful they were, I was stuck playing the docile princess.

It wasn’t until Aden began throwing out taunts that I knew for sure that Zyion had followed us. Aden said something to the warrior about training exercises scheduled for the morning, but Zyion didn’t take the bait. Lowering my focus to the floor, we moved over. I noted Zyion’s black combat boots, which were unlike the ones these men wore. After rolling my gaze up his muscular thighs outlined beneath the chausses, I let it linger on the cloth material between his tights.

My brow furrowed as I forced myself to keep my eyes moving up to the hauberk that reminded me of what the Templar Knights had once worn into battle throughout the Crusades. I wasn’t certain what emotion Zyion had churning inside of me, but his presence made me feel safe. As if he’d defend me if the men sought to manhandle me. When I finally made it up to his face, striking, turquoise-colored eyes with flecks of gold scattered throughout the irises met mine.

Aden stopped before an expansive set of double doors and issued orders for the guards to open them for us. The sound of them closing behind us forced fresh unease to flutter down my spine.

The hall we entered was immense and filled with opulence. High ceilings were decorated with stained-glass threaded throughout the stonework. Crown molding the color of obsidian ran the length of the chamber, and blood-red marbled flooring with silver veins laced throughout was under every footfall. The large stained-glass windows reflected the silhouettes of both dragons and phoenixes throughout the space.

I felt my uneasiness grow as I felt the eyes seeking to find me. My heartbeat thundered loudly in my head, even as I caught the eyes of a small child and offered him a smile. The boy squealed with delight, which caused his enjoyment to be contagious, even with how overly tired I was. The scent of roasted meats, sweet bread, and a bevy of other savory and sugary goods had my stomach rumbling.

“I discovered the princess wandering the gardens alone, Griffon.” Zyion snorted in response. “Something to add, Vicious?”

My gaze wandered to Zyion, expecting some kind of reaction to the title. If it offended Zyion, he brushed it off completely. The warrior’s attention remained on Griffon, who ignored both men as he waited for me to speak. I stepped forward, but when he spotted the armlets I wore, his features tightened. Esme, on the other hand, was sitting on the opposite side of the table, glowering at me with two burly guards behind her.

I eyed the guards, then scrunched up my face. Esme merely shrugged, then grabbed a leg of meat, and bit into it, still glaring my way.

“I’m sure you’re starving, Aria. Please, sit with me and eat,” Griffon offered. Aden and Zyion continued to glare at one another while the king worried himself with seating me.

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