Page 34 of Moonlit Temptation

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Low chuckles fill the room.

“Yeah, well, he’s the best surgeon in five counties, so unless you two wanna start this process over again, we better hope she’s not going to sneak off and wreak havoc on the Hell Hounds,” Silas says.

“By the way, I heard about your little deal with Ma,” Nova says with a grin.

Silas groans, letting his head fall backward to look at the ceiling.

“What deal?” I ask, glancing between them.

Nova smirks, folding his arms across his chest. “The one where she got his grumpy ass to agree to a nanny.”

“About fucking time,” I grumble.

Silas snaps his head forward and glares at me. I accept his shit with a deadpan expression of my own. I’ve had more than enough practice on how to deal with his moods. And they're all varying shades of annoyed.

“What? You know it’s true. I love Hunter, but that boy is a St. James through and through. Your ma can’t keep up with him and run the front office for the garages.”

“Plus, she physically can’t lift anything for like six weeks while she recovers,” Nova says.

“Why do you think I agreed to it?” He runs his hands over his head, letting his palm hook the back of his neck. Stress tugs the sides of his mouth into a frown.

“Yeah? And how many did you say no to already?” Nova asks, but he says it like he already knows the answer.

“Under our new agreement? None.” Silas looks entirely too smug about that.

I narrow my eyes on him. “And when did this agreement happen?”

“Two days ago,” Nova deadpans.

“Not important,” Silas says at the same time as he waves his hand dismissively. “What's important is that we keep an eye on this, quietly for now, yeah?”

“Yeah. No moves until we have a better understanding,” I agree.

Silas raps his knuckles on the table and pushes his chair back. He swipes the baby monitor with one hand and pushes his chair in with the other. He looks at me, the side of his mouth twitching. “Good luck with your call tomorrow.”

“Asshole,” I grumble to his back as he walks out the way he came in, a chuckle following in his wake.

Nova clamps his hand on my shoulder, patting it a couple of times as he walks toward the door. “You workin' tomorrow?”

“I'm always working.”

“Yeah, heardthat. See you at the garage,” he calls over his shoulder.

The back door closes with a soft snick, punctuating their departure. I sit at the table for another few minutes, listening to the silence of the house echo around me.

I let my mind spiral out all the different scenarios in which the Hell Hounds incite a fight. None of them end well, but that’s the nature of our world. Violence is always lurking around the corner, waiting to pounce when we least expect it.

I shake my head, clearing the thoughts away. There’s no use getting worked up over something that hasn’t even happened yet.

One day at a time, that's all I can do.



I pushopen the door connecting the garage to the back hall of Nana Jo's house—my house.

God, that's going to take some time to get used to.
