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Her bright eyes, her smile, her intelligence... She'd make a great mom.

A life with her starts forming in my mind. I see Bailey, her face glowing, cradling our tiny baby in her arms. I imagine her in our home, her laughter filling the rooms. The baby, our baby, with her eyes, my charm. I think about lullabies, first steps and first words, of a family—our family.

What is this weird feeling?

Desire for a life I had never considered before. Bailey, the baby, a family, us.

My eyes flicker to the car's screen as a new message pops up.

The sender's name: Bailey.

I slow down instinctively as her words fill the screen.

My dream world of me, her, and the baby fades into the past as I make sense of her text.

She's livid, her fury seeping through each word.

I can't believe you gave me some sob story.

You're unreal.

I stare at the message, my heart pounding. I had imagined a thousand scenarios of what our next interaction would be like, but this wasn't it.

Another message pops up.

It's a photo.

I shouldn't look, not while I'm driving, but I glance at the screen.


It's a photo of Gina and me in the park from the other day. The image of her maneuvering her way to kiss me was captured perfectly making it look like I'm kissing her back. I can't explain why but guilt hits me.

Ethan's shady hands had a part in this, for sure.

He probably didn't even get his own hands dirty—he's too cowardly for that. He paid someone to do the job. Just his style.

My phone buzzes again. Another message from Bailey.

I don't even want to hear any explanations.

I'm done with this.

I'm done with you.

Her words hit my gut. I scramble to type a response, my hands shaking as I punch in the letters.

But as I hit send, my message bounces back.

She blocked me.

She fucking blocked me.

A bitter laugh escapes my lips. I toss the phone onto the passenger seat.

I've lost her. And it's my own damn fault. I never should have left her side when she told me about the baby.

My thoughts spiral, spinning faster and faster until it feels like I can’t keep up. I've lost the only woman I have ever cared about, the only woman I've ever loved.

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