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"Hey," I start, turning towards Logan. "I've got to go, it's Saturday. I always go to the farmer’s market with Rachel."

"Running away so soon?"

I roll my eyes, ignoring the fact that I almost wish I didn't have to go. I could spend all day in this studio with him, lost in his world. But I can't, Rachel is waiting. I gather my scattered belongings, my mind spinning.


As I sling my bag over my shoulder, Logan stops me, grabbing my hand before I can make it past the soundboard. "Without saying goodbye? Is this Cold Bailey?"

I turn to face him. "I'm not sure if you can handle the heat yet, so you get Cold Bailey for now."

His smile widens. "I can handle a lot, Bailey. But I prefer goodbyes with a kiss."

Then, he pulls me closer, his hands resting on my hips. His lips brush mine in a soft, lingering kiss that sends shockwaves through my body. He pulls away. "Now you can go."

I roll my eyes, trying to ignore the blush creeping up my cheeks. "You're so full of yourself."

"Or are you full of me?" He winks, and I can't help but laugh.

"Alright, playboy. I'm off. Try not to miss me too much," I tease, giving him a playful punch to the arm.

"I can't make any promises."

I step out of the studio and the city air hits me. My mind is a whirlwind as I wait for the cab to pull up. Logan, with his cocky grin and soulful eyes, has managed to infiltrate my thoughts, my life, in a way I never expected. I replay the image of our tangled bodies, the heat of his touch still a memory on my skin.

The cab arrives, and I slide into the back seat. As the city passes by, my mind fills with flashbacks of us. His lips on mine, the way he looked at me, as if I were the only woman in his world.

The horn of a passing truck brings me back to reality.

The driver pulls up to the farmer’s market and I step out of the car and into the crowd.

I weave my way through the market, the smell of fresh flowers and the sound of chatter all around. Stalls are lined with handmade soaps to artisan breads, organic vegetables to exotic fruits. I see Rachel standing beside a cheese stall, animatedly discussing the merits of goat cheese versus cow cheese with the vendor.

She catches sight of me, her eyes lighting up as she waves me over.

"Finally! I thought you were abducted by aliens or something equally dramatic."

It's clear she's dying to know what kept me, but I'm not ready to spill the beans just yet. "I told you, Rachel. I'm alive and well. Now, let's see about this cheese," I deflect, diving into our market routine with Logan's lingering kiss still fresh on my lips.

"So, you're telling me you prefer goat cheese over the classic creaminess of cow cheese?" I join in their conversation.

"Absolutely! It's more sophisticated, don't you think?" Rachel jokes back.

I turn to the vendor. "And what do you think, sir? Are you pro-goat or pro-cow?"

"Well, I sell both so I can't pick a side, can I? But I'll say this, goat cheese is like the gentleman of cheeses while cow cheese is like your old friend, always reliable."

Rachel and I burst into laughter as we make a purchase and keep walking.

"I know you're trying to ignore the elephant in the room, Bayles. Were you with him? Your little boyfriend?"

I choke on my coffee. "He'snotmy boyfriend, Rach!" I say it a little louder than I anticipated. People turn their heads to look at me.

"Alright, calm down. No need to get defensive." She laughs, enjoying my discomfort. "But youwerewith him weren’t you?"

I sigh, deciding to come clean.“Fine.Yes, I was with him."

“I knew it! How was the sex?” She can barely contain her excitement.

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