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"You think you know everything, Logan."

I let out a chuckle, my other hand tracing circles on her arm. "I know a lot.... More than you like to give me credit for. Now, are you going to admit that you're actually worried about this promotion?"

There's a pause as she bites her lip, considering her options. Finally, she sighs, her shoulders sagging. "Fine. I'm worried, okay? Are you happy now?"

I laugh, pulling her into my body. "You have nothing to worry about, Bailey. You're the best at what you do. You know that."

As I comfort her, I can't help but feel a strange feeling. I like it. It feels good.

"But what about you?" She looks up at me with those beautiful, searching eyes. "You don't want the promotion?"

My heart gets all bunched up at the question because it's been rolling around in my mind lately, haunting me. I thought I did once. I thought I wanted to follow in my father's footsteps, to take over his empire, to show him that I could. That I was the son he always wanted. But the more I think about it, the more I realize that it was never my dream. It was his.

"No," I finally admit. "I don't want it."

"You don't?" She sounds surprised and I can't blame her. I've spent so much time pretending, playing the part of the ambitious businessman. But it's not me. It's not who I am.

"No," I say again. "I'm more interested in music. I always have been. I've just been too fucking scared to admit it, to go after what I really want."

She looks at me, her eyes wide with surprise and something else I can't quite place. Understanding, maybe. Or relief.

"Music? You want to pursue music?"


"But what kind?" She trails off, her eyes shining with curiosity. I smile at her interest.

"I produce songs, actually," I say, watching her reaction. "EDM with a bit of R&B and some other deep soul music."

"That sounds so interesting. Tell me more about the process? How do you come up with the beats, the tunes, the lyrics? Sorry, I don't know the trending 'music lingo' these days."

I laugh at her innocence about it all. "Well, it's kind of a mix of things." My hand moves to tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "Sometimes, I start with a tune that's stuck in my head. Other times, I'm inspired by a feeling or a memory..." I look at her for a moment. "You know what? Why don't I show you? You want to hear some?"

"I'd love that."

"It's a date... a second date."

"Don't get ahead of yourself. We're still on our first date." She holds up a finger to emphasize her point.

"Right, right. Got it, princess." I wink at her as I lean down and press my lips against hers. "Well before we go anywhere, we need some food."

I pick up the phone from the bedside table and dial room service.

"Good morning, I'd like to order breakfast."

"Mr. Logan. The usual? With a rose?"

I laugh a little. ”Hang on. This order might be different."

"Oh really?" George seems amused.

"What are you in the mood for, princess?"

She scrunches her face. "I want bacon, coffee, and a pancake with fresh raspberries."

I'm impressed with her demands.

"Bacon, coffee, and a pancake with raspberries? You're not picky at all?" I tease, relaying her order to the amused serviceman on the other end of the line.

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