Page 79 of Almost Yours

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She squeezed his balls and Gavin groaned. His green eyes darkened as they focused on her and he growled, “Open your mouth, Nia.”

Tilting her head back, Ginny smirked and dropped her jaw, sliding her tongue out. Gavin’s hips surged forward and her eyes rolled back as he filled her mouth, hitting the back of her throat. Gripping his thighs with both hands, Ginny swallowed and sucked, tongue and teeth working him over as Gavin continued to curse and groan above her. He pulled back slightly and Ginny whined in protest seconds before his hot cum spurted into her mouth.

Swallowing him down, Ginny blinked through her tears and stared up at Gavin as his cock twitched in her mouth. He pulled out of her slowly and she slumped back against the counter, one hand swiping over her mouth as she breathed deeply through her nose. Gavin shook his head, a playful smile on his face as he watched her and then held both hands out to help her up.

Once she was standing, Gavin’s mouth was on hers again and Ginny grinned into the kiss. His hands smoothed her hair back, while hers slid down to squeeze his bare ass. The smell of coffee drifted between them and Ginny sighed softly as she broke the kiss.

Smiling at Gavin, she licked her lips. “Good morning to you too.”


“Everything okay with your mom?”Gavin asked from where he was sitting on the floor with his legs stretched out, large mug in hand.

After that epic blow job, he’d pulled his boxers up and instead of moving to find somewhere else to sit, he dropped to the floor. Ginny had stared at him in confusion while she fixed their coffees. Once she handed him a mug, she’d vanished around the corner and then returned with two large floor cushions. She’d sat down beside him, legs tucked under her as Copper ran around like a headless chicken at having easy access to the two of them.

“I don’t know,” she said softly, both hands wrapped around her coffee. “Apparently she’s dating someone, but won’t tell me anything about him for fear of jinxing it.”

Gavin watched Ginny, seeing her face go through a series of different emotions and expressions, like she was trying to figure out how she felt about her mother’s news. Finally, she shrugged and lifted her eyes to his. He saw confusion and maybe even some fear in the gorgeous brown.

“What’s going on?” he asked, stretching out to squeeze her thigh.

“She’s held onto this hope that one day Cyrus would come back, sweep her off her feet and realize he made a mistake. This has kept her going foryears, so I’m glad she’s met someone new. But something about this irks me.”

“How bad was the divorce?”

Ginny shook her head, making the sound of an explosion with a mouth. “Cyrus tried to take everything from her, but mom had enough proof of his cheating. He called her all kinds of names and spread lies about her. Then his family started doing the same thing. The South Indian community my parents come from isn’t enormous, but it’s not a small group of people either. They’re spread far and wide. Suddenly every Malayali knew that Elsa Thomas had brainwashed her children to support her in the divorce proceedings. Not a single person was talking about howCyrushad cheated on her with tons of women, got one pregnant and left my mother for her.”

Gavin winced at the words and the way Ginny said it. She wasn’t just angry, she was disgusted and disappointed. “Mom went to India for a few years, to hide away from everyone and everything. But I’m not sure if it helped her at all. Because since she came back she’s been miserable. So the fact that after twelve years, she’s met someone who makes hergiggle—” Ginny rolled her eyes with a scoff “—she fucking giggled, Gav, and to hear that sound again? It felt good. But she’s so vulnerable and I hope that whoever this guy is, he treats her well.”

“Give her some time. Maybe she’ll come around to telling you all about him.”

Sighing heavily, Ginny shifted on her cushion and stretched her legs out as well. Which was clearly an invitation for Copper to climb all over her. Gavin smiled as he watched the two of them interact, his heart going out to Ginny. He could see how much the weight of her parents’ divorce had fallen on her shoulders, how much Elsa depended on her daughter for support and reassurance. And in a way, he could see why Ginny was so hesitant about relationships and anything that came with it. He didn’t like it, but he got it.

“Hey,” he said softly, hand on her thigh drawing Ginny’s attention to him. “Yesterday was amazing, thank you for planning it.”

Ginny’s face lit up and she put a hand over his, squeezing it gently. “It was pretty amazing, wasn’t it? Believe it or not, there aren’t too many arcades around here and the biggest one is about two hours away.”

“Such a shame that lots of kids these days won’t know the magic of stabbing controls that sometimes won’t work when you’re in the middle of getting your ass kicked by beautiful girls.”

Snorting, Ginny swatted his arm playfully and took another sip of her coffee. “Speaking of which…I found something.” She set her mug down and got to her feet, Copper running after her, as Ginny pulled open a few drawers and rummaged through them. When she came back, she had a small envelope in her hand and a wide grin on her face. She sat down beside him and then emptied the contents of the envelope into her hand. Four blurry palm sized photographs stared back at him and it took Gavin a few seconds to realize what he was looking at.

“Shut the fuck up,” he whispered, eyes wide as he reached for the pictures. First one was what he’d taken of Ginny while she was cheesing at the camera with ice cream all over her face while they walked along the promenade. The next one was of them in a blur, then one of them kissing and the fourth one was one he didn’t remember—a much less blurry picture of him lying in bed, hair mussed, smiling up at the camera with Ginny’s hand resting on his chest. “When did you take this one?”

“Remember that morning when our parents went up to Savannah for breakfast with some friends? Everyone was out of the house and we were playing truth or dare.”

Gavin nodded slowly, the memory of that day coming back to him. “I picked dare and you asked me to fuck you in the kitchen and I said okay.”

“But then Noah and Tabitha walked in through the back door,” Ginny said, reminding him of the look on Noah’s face when he found them pressed against each other on the kitchen floor. “What happened to them, by the way?”

“She left him at the altar on their wedding day,” Gavin admitted softly, eyes still on the blurry pictures. His brother had become a bit of a recluse for years after that. “It was two years after that last summer at Tybee.”

“Oh god, seriously? Wait…so all your brothers are single again?”

Narrowing his eyes at her, Gavin pointed at his crotch. “You just had my cock in your mouth, I really hope that’s not your way of saying you want another Rhodes.”

Ginny stared at him a moment and then burst out laughing, which startled Copper and sent her running. Gavin didn’t think it wasfunny, but he also knew that Ginny probably didn’t mean anything by that question. Once she’d settled down, Ginny pretended to wipe away tears. “I don’t want another Rhodes, sweetheart. You’re more than I can handle.”

His chest expanded with her words, but his heart did a weird dance routine at being calledsweetheart. With a name like Gavin, the shortest anybody could make it was Gav and even that didn’t sound sexy. Not likeNiadid. So to be calledsweetheartwas pretty great.

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