Page 54 of Nerd Girl

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Elaina let me know earlier today that I was welcome to leave anything with her, and she’d make sure my mail and such went out with the motel’s daily pickup.

When I walked into the front office, Elaina was working the front desk, and Kurt sat at a short table on the other side of the lobby, playing with Legos.

I handed Elaina my stack of envelopes. “Are you still here?” I kept my tone warm and friendly.

Her laugh was short. “Our night person called in. I get to pull a double.”

“Ouch.” I winced on her behalf. “Want me to take over for you for the night?” Who was I?

“Thanks, but I don’t think that would fly with management.”

“Mr. Sawyer.” Kurt’s excited shout interrupted. “Come see what I’m building.”

I looked to Elaina for an okay, and she shrugged. “He has to camp out on the couch tonight, because it was short notice. I don’t have anyone to watch him. If you don’t mind keeping him company for a while…”

What else was I going to do? Head back to my room and pretend a bit more that I was heart- and soulless? “I don’t mind at all.”

I joined Kurt at the coffee table, and listened while he explained how he designed his Lego fighting robot. It was easy to fall into the conversation, though a lot of it reminded me of the parts of life I’d been trying to avoid.

This time though, thinking about Tony and his RC tanks, made me smile. The memories were bittersweet, but more on the sugary side. It also reminded me of how much fun it was building with Evie yesterday.

“You’ve got a dumb goofy look on your face,” Kurt said.

I shook the thoughts aside. “And you’re probably up past your bedtime.”

“I’m not.”

“Sawyer’s right.” Elaina’s voice came from behind me. “Let him get back to his room, and you go to bed.”

I wished them both good night and stepped outside. I was ready to head back to my room, when a shadowy movement across the street caught my attention.

It was Evie, sitting on a bench in the graveyard. Good for her. I should leave her be.

My feet carried me in her direction, despite the decision.

She looked up as I approached and rolled her eyes. She stood.

“Wait. I’m not here to antagonize you.”

“Why are you here, Sawyer?”

I had a feeling she meant more than tonight.

You know why. To buy your store. Nope. I wouldn’t read into her question, but that didn’t mean I had an answer for her. “I don’t know.”

With a soft sigh, she sank onto the bench again. “Me too.”

“Gage wasn’t to blame last night.” Why was I bringing this up? “I initiated that kiss.”

“Not surprised. And it’s not like he minded, regardless.”

I’d noticed.

“Your making excuses for him doesn’t help any,” Evie said.

“I don’t expect it to.” I had a good idea where I stood with Evie. What her opinion was of me. “But don’t take it out on him.”

Silence sank in.
