Page 110 of Nerd Girl

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I scowled at both of them. “You’re supposed to think it means I’m taking you to dinner someplace nice.”

“But it doesn’t mean that,” Sawyer said.

Evie pouted. “It’s not scrap metal?”

I loved how impossible the two of them were sometimes, and once they heard what I was up to, they’d love it. I gave all my attention to Evie. “More than thirty years ago, we made each other a promise. I’m a year late, but we’re both single—”

Sawyer cleared his throat.

“Neither one of us is single, dork,” Evie teased.

I rolled my eyes, but I was still enjoying the moment. “And apparently neither one of you has a single romantic bone in your body.”

“I have one.” Sawyer grabbed his crotch.

“This guy I met is also an Elvis impersonator and a minister.” I pointedly ignored Sawyer’s reply. “I had a whole big speech planned about how much I love you both, and he’s happy to perform a ceremony for us, and what I was going to say was really romantic, and now neither of you gets to hear it.”

Sawyer gripped the back of my neck and held me captive as he kissed me.

This never got old.

When he broke away he pressed his forehead to mine. “I would marry you again and again.” His voice was rough with emotion. “Even without an elegant speech, I’d marry both of you.”

“I still want the pretty, prepared speech,” Evie said brightly.

I managed to glance at her without pulling away from Sawyer. “Yeah?”

“My answer is yes regardless. Duh. My answer will always be yes if we’re talking about all of us together, but you worked hard and I love it when you tell me I’m awesome.” Evie was grinning.

I loved them both so much sometimes it scared me, but in the best way possible. I loved the way we all worked together, the playful clashes and the intense coming together. I was so grateful I’d told Evie before I lost her, and now to have Sawyer too…

I’d tell them both over and over, until the end of time, how incredible they were.


I was already riding the high of landing this contract, but that was nothing compared to the way my heart swelled to near-bursting when Gage went down on one knee in front of me. This man I’d loved for as long as I could remember, who I almost lost because I couldn’t admit to myself how I felt.

“Eowyn Young, you’ve been my partner in so many things for longer than not. When things were great, when things were bad, whether you were here or halfway around the world, it didn’t matter because I knew I could count on you. And I want that for us for the rest of our lives. I want to fall asleep to you and wake up to you and I want to give you all the love you deserve and more.”

Gage twisted to look at Sawyer, grasping his hand without letting go of mine. “I never expected to love someone else, and when I first met you…” Gage trailed off with a half smile. “But Sawyer Rawlings, you’re this force I can’t resist. I don’t want to. I need you as much as I do Evie, but in a very different way. We’re all better people when we’re together.”

“Is this where I get to say yes?” I’d already said it, but I wanted to accept again, after an incredible proposal like that.

Gage gave me the same sheepish grin that I’d fallen in love with a million times over.

Sawyer pulled Gage to his feet. “I’m not going down on one knee,” Sawyer said. “Mostly because my knee won’t let me. But Gage is right. We’re better together, and I can’t imagine a more wonderful way to move forward in life than with the two of you.”

It was tempting to stay out here kissing both of them, watching them kiss each other, for hours. But we had an appointment to make.

We drove to the chapel. Gage’s Elvis friend couldn’t perform a legal ceremony, so we didn’t need things like a license or witnesses. This was a symbolic promise between the three of us, and I was so happy to do that.

Gage had gotten a jacket from Aubrey to go with my outfit, as well as matching suits for him and Sawyer.

Which meant Gage planned this outside of himself and managed to keep it a secret. Super, super sweet.

We changed, and found the chapel we were supposed to be in.

The elderly lady at the organ in the back of the room reminded me a bit of Granny. She asked if we had any special music requests, or if we just wanted the wedding march.
