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A sly grin stretched into her cheeks. “Why? It’s not the first time that’s ever happened. To either of us.”

“It’s the first time since we were teenagers and didn’t know what the hell we were doing.”

Holly ran her finger down the center of his chest. “Oh, I think we knew exactly what we were doing. We just had no idea what to expect other than what our equally inexperienced friends had told us.”

“Or read in a girlie magazine.”

“I never read any girlie magazines.”

Oh, but Chace had and had lost his load more than once imagining what he read or saw on the pages was actually happening with Holly. Eventually, it had. But thank God things had gotten better over time.

Well, until tonight.

“As much as it pains me to even think about letting you go, we should probably get cleaned up, don’t you think?”

“Yeah. I guess you’re right.”

He leaned toward her. “Will you come back?” His question was a breath against her lips.

Holly cupped his face in her palm and closed the gap with a butterfly soft kiss. “Don’t take too long.”

“I won’t,” he promised and snatched another kiss before forcing himself away from her to dash upstairs and clean himself up.

Fifteen minutes later, they met back in the family room—Holly in black pajamas with white snow people all over them and Chace in navy blue athletic shorts and an Eagles band T-shirt. After what had transpired between them earlier, sitting on opposite ends of the sofa seemed pointless, so Chace wrapped his arm around Holly’s shoulder and pulled her into his side.

With her head on his shoulder, Chace rested his cheek against her head. “You smell delicious,” he murmured into her hair. She always did. The scent made him think of home.

“So do you.” Holly snuggled a little closer.

“Better than I did, I’m sure.”

Holly grinned. “I wouldn’t exactly say that.”

Chace toyed with a loose strand of her hair. “Be careful, or you’ll turn my head.”

“I thought I already had.”

“Yeah.” Chace pressed his lips to her head. “You have. Over and over again.”

Silence followed, and although it wasn’t uncomfortable, Chace thought a change of topic might put them both more at ease. “Did Lyss have any updates on Sean?” he asked.

Since he’d had the pleasure of speaking with his sister before the ass crack of dawn that morning, Chace enlisted Emme and Wren’s assistance getting dinner on the table after they finished videochatting with their mother, providing Holly and Lyss a little time to talk privately.

Holly nodded. “She said the doctors are pleased with his test results. And though his recovery will take a considerable amount of time, if all goes well, he could be sent stateside to start PT and rehab by the end of the week.”

“To a hospital or home?”

“She didn’t specify, so I’m not sure. But now that she’s seen for herself that he’s going to be okay, Sean was encouraging her to come home with the girls.”

“Bet that went over like a lead balloon.”

“Lyss assured him the twins were in good hands.”

Chace picked up the hand Holly had laid on his chest when she’d snuggled against him. He brought her palm to his lips. “I would have to agree.”

“Me, too. That’s why I told her we were fine and to take all the time she needed.”

“She’s lucky to have you as a friend, Holly.”
