Page 15 of Until Forever
"And we're vapor." Rena's fingers click rapidly across controls. "I'm taking us down. First habitable planet I can find."
"How long?" I ask.
"Twenty minutes, maybe less. Depends how much garbage is between us and atmo."
The ship lurches again as Rena changes course. I grab the doorframe to stay upright, Davin's hand steadying my elbow.
"Par." I turn to the Odex. "Engine room. Make sure nothing blows before we land."
He nods once and disappears down the corridor, fur bristling.
"What do you need from me?" Davin asks, his blue skin almost pale in the harsh corridor lighting.
"Find Taluk. I want everyone accounted for when we touch down."
Another shudder rocks the ship. The lights flicker, casting shadows across Davin's face. He nods and walks away with something strange in his gaze.
The landing jars my teeth as Rena sets us down on a barren moon. Red dust swirls outside the viewports, coating everything in a rusty haze. Paraxan's already outside, his massive frame silhouetted against the light as he works on the explosives.
Inside the cargo hold, Davin has our surviving attacker zip-tied to a support beam. Blood trickles from the man's split lip, staining his black tactical gear.
"Talk." Davin's fist connects with the man's jaw. "Who sent you?"
"Let me," Taluk growls, but I grab him by the arm.
"You've played enough hero for today," I say, still pissed at his earlier interference. Taluk narrows his eyes at me, but backs down.
The man's laughter echoes through the hold, high and unhinged. "You really think I'd tell you anything?"
"Worth a shot." Davin draws back for another punch, but the man's head suddenly snaps back, body convulsing.
"No!" I rush forward, but it's too late. White foam bubbles from his lips, his eyes rolling back.
"Poison capsule." Davin checks the man's pulse. "Hidden in his teeth probably. Again: professional job. Whoever did this isn't screwing around."
I kneel beside the body, patting down his pockets. A pistol, brass knuckles, some old papers with crude love notes scribbled on them. Then, my fingers brush something in his breast pocket – a deck of cards. The worn cardboard feels slick against my skin as I pull them out.
"Hey." Rena leans over my shoulder. "Those are from The Lucky Hand on Glimner. High-end place, invitation only."
"Mafia territory." Davin stands, wiping blood from his knuckles. "Makes sense. Whatever Xander's involved in, it's got their attention."
The cards slip from my fingers, scattering across the floor like fallen leaves. My heart pounds against my ribs as his words sink in.
"What did you just say?"
"The mafia?—"
"No." I turn to face him, my hand inching toward my holster. "You called him Xander. We never told you his name."
The cargo hold falls silent, every pair of eyes boring into me. My skin prickles under their scrutiny, but I maintain my composure, crossing my arms over my chest.
"You lying scumbag, you're a mole, aren't you!?" Taluk yells, puffing up his chest and getting in my space. "You faked getting stuck in that closet to hide that you helped them!"
"A mole?" I bark out a laugh. "For what? Pocket change from some two-bit syndicate?"