Page 8 of Rescuer

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“Whatever you say, buddy.”I held up my hands in surrender, although my fingers were still curled around the stick I was wielding.I slowly bent without taking my eyes from him, scooping up my robe and slinging it over my shoulder.He lifted the corner of his mouth, almost into a smile, and I frowned.Okay, so me having my robe back made him happy.Did that mean he was the one who took it?Not necessarily.He could have found it or seen what had taken it and came to return it to me.

I guess I should say thank you.

But I couldn’t find the words.My mouth was dry from shock and a sudden realization I hadn’t had anything to drink in almost a day.

I shuddered, and with the alien man still watching me, I very slowly put on the robe, not wanting to lose it again.I’d need it to protect me from those winds at night.The alien continued to stare, his eyes on every movement I made, widening slightly as each of my hands popped out the sleeves in turn.Did it not know what clothes were?He was naked, so very fucking naked, and once I noticed, it was hard to stop my eyes from darting down to his crotch, where his impressive cock was on full display.

When I looked at his face again, he appeared almost smug, and my cheeks flamed.Better not stroke the alien’s ego, lest he get the wrong idea.

The spear was concerning me.Apart from the size of the alien himself, the spear could be thrown.If he ran toward me, I might have a chance to escape.I was half his size and could probably duck and weave between the roots and get away.But if he threw a giant weapon at me?Not a chance.

Yet he just stood there, watching me.

“Can you understand me?”I asked, figuring I might as well test the waters here.He eyed me for a moment longer, then broke into a large smile.It was near impossible to resist smiling back—he just looked so damn pleased with himself.I guess it was kind of cute.“Okay.”I took half a step forward, never taking my eyes off the alien man.“How about we start with something simpler?Do you have a name?”

He released a string of gibberish that didn’t help me at all.“All right, cool, cool.Um… your name, though?”Another blank stare.I pointed at my chest.“Tori.”Then I indicated him, “You are?”

More gibberish but definitely the wordacktawas in there somewhere, and once again, another grin and a point at my robe.Damn, he was super fucking proud of returning that to me.I nodded.“Yes, yes, very good.You brought me back my robe.”I lifted the corner of the garment.“Rooobe.”

He stared at me, and I stared back.

Moments passed.

“Robe,” I repeated.

There was the smallest flicker of a smile on his lips, then he muttered, “Ackta.”

My lips twitched in frustration, but when I watched his face, I got the distinct feeling he was fucking with me.Almost like he knewexactlywhat I was trying to say and decided instead to play silly games.His eyes were bright and full of life, curiosity, and a cheeky spark.Too much so for him to be some big dumb animal.It looked like I’d finally encountered intelligent life on this planet.

If only I could communicate with him.

“What is yourname?”I tried again, pointing to myself, giving my name again, and then asking him.


“Ah!”I threw my hands up.“Fucking finally.Vitri, congratulations, I’m now a thousand years old.”

I knew I shouldn’t be frustrated with the alien.For all I knew, he was genuinely trying, but I couldn’t shake the feeling he was messing with me on purpose.Vitri continued to stare at me to the point where discomfort crawled across my skin, and the urge to get away from the giant forest alien overtook any need to continue any conversation.Self-preservation was taking over, and he watched me as though I were something to study.The images of the aliens on the ship rushed through my mind, and I shuddered.I didn’t need to be prodded and probed again.

“Um, well…” I shuffled one foot before taking an experimental step back.He didn’t react.“Good to meet you, I guess, random alien dude.Thanks for my… ackta.Bye.”

I turned to walk away, casting uncertain glances over my shoulder.He was still there, watching me, and I gripped my makeshift bat as I moved away.There was mostly silence, punctuated only by the strange background noises of the forest.I was just about at the point where my shoulders could relax when there was the thundering of heavy footsteps behind me as Vitri raced to catch up.

When I turned, weapon held at the ready, he froze, and I frowned at him.He knew I could see him—we made pointed eye contact—but he still froze like this was a game.I had no idea what to make of the intelligence of this being.Was he an animal?Like a child?Or was he intelligent and sentient and just trying to fuck with me?

I turned again and took a few experimental steps.Clear as day, the sounds of Vitri behind me, following, pounded through the undergrowth.When I turned, he froze, holding my eye contact.His lip twitched.

We played this game for a while.

I kept moving, and he kept following, again freezing every time I turned around to face him.Eventually, I tired of the game and stopped outright, placed a hand on my hip, and stood and stared, waiting for him to make a move.I was never very good at staring contests, and my patience was running too thin anyway.If he were intelligent, either he could help me or he couldn’t.

“What do you want?”I demanded.

But Vitri said nothing, only watching me with that grin.My stomach grumbled, and I glanced down at it.The reminder I had only eaten once yesterday, coupled with the fact I hadn’t drunk anything in way too long caught up with me, and Vitri’s presence became secondary to this more urgent problem.

Perhaps he could be useful.

“Do you know where I can find water?”He tilted his head, and I mimed drinking from a cup, then rubbed my throat.“Water.Thirst.Ohholy shit!” I ducked as he came thundering toward me, putting on a burst of speed I hadn’t expected.Holding my hands over my head as he moved swiftly past me, the ground shuddered with each step he took.I looked up when the sound stopped, and Vitri was a handful of steps ahead of me, watching me and smiling.He pointed ahead, and I stood, taking a few cautious steps toward him, which he seemed delighted about.He pointed again, then at me.

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