Page 17 of Bragg's Christmas
Don’t go there, Damon.
She’s your daughter’s nanny. And a maneater. She isn’t what you need.
Too bad my cock perks up whenever she’s near.
Chapter 7
Bragg Brother Group Text
Riley:Are we more surprised Damon has a daughter or that Brody knew about Skye and somehow managed to keep it a secret?
Brody:I can keep a secret.
Elder:Keeping a secret about being wealthy doesn’t count.
Brody:Why not?
Elder:I asked seven CEOs what the secret to success is and they all said the same thing. Get out of my house.
Peace:I don’t approve of this joke.
Riley:Of course not. You’re a fuddy duddy.
Peace:Considering your brother is spying on all of us, joking about breaking into someone’s house is not funny.
Elder:Brody is your brother, too.
Riley:I tried to suffocate him in the womb. #failure
Brody:Who says I’m spying on all of you?
Brody:It was for your own good.
Damon:You’re the baby of the family. How are you doing anything for my good?
Brody:I’m not a fucking baby.
Peace:I know I’m not yet used to this brother thing, but shouldn’t we be giving Damon a hard time now?
Brody:It’s always time to give a brother a hard time.
Riley:There are no rules about taking turns.
Miller:I want to know the real reason Damon kept his daughter a secret.
Elder:Me too!
Riley:Me three!
Brody:Me four!
Brody:Peace, you’re supposed to write me five!
Peace:I’m a grown man. I’m not writing ‘me five’. I’m not a child.
Riley:But you know who is a child?