Page 44 of Sinful God

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Each memory strengthened my resolve. I wasn’t backing down. Not even the warning in my father’s eyes could change my mind now.

My father shoved his hands into the pockets of his pricey suit pants and cocked his head to one side. “So what if I did? Why would that matter to you? She’s the enemy, remember?”

“Why her though? Why not just go after Desmond?” A nervous pit formed in my stomach. It was too late to turn back now.

My father nodded and gave a lazy half shrug. “That was the plan. Start with the kid to break him, then really let him have it. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out as planned. Let me tell you something, son. Raina Monroe is pure poison. She’ll get inside your head, and then she’ll bring you down. That’s why you need to stay away from her.”

My mouth went dry, stopping me from asking about Jenna and everything else that had been going on. Under the weight of his penetrating dark stare, I didn’t know what to say.

Before I could form words, he continued. “You know what? Forget the guy in the incinerator. I have a job for you. Go grab Knight and Gage. I’ve got a big cash drop coming in about an hour. You guys can go get it. Bring it back here after it’s done.”

I knew he wanted to get rid of me before the conversation could go any further. Wary of his warning about Raina, part of me wanted to get away before he forced me to admit that I’d claimed her. That I’d do anything to protect her. Even put my own ass on the line.

Feeling like a coward, I swallowed hard and said, “Sure. Send me the address. I’ll take care of it.”



“Stay here. Keep the doors locked. Don’t let anyone inside. Don’t even order pizza.” Havoc rambled on, his list of instructions growing longer.

I folded my arms over my chest, leaning against the kitchen counter. It was all I could do not to yawn and roll my eyes. Since it had been a rough night so far, I kept my mouth shut.

Havoc had left right after we got home. Gage and Knight had assumed he’d gone to see his father. He’d returned less than an hour later looking like he’d had his ass handed to him. Physically he’d been fine. Mentally, Havoc was not doing well. I saw it in his eyes.

He hadn’t told us a damn thing about where he went or what had happened. If he’d seen his father, it hadn’t gone well. I wasn’t sure what that meant for me. His repeated warnings made me think that the danger was far from over.

“How long do you think you guys will be?” I asked. As much as I hated to admit it, I was nervous about staying alone.

Havoc had only said that his father had a job for them to do. That could mean just about anything.

“Not any longer than we need to be.” He surprised me by pulling me into his arms, wrapping them around me as he pressed his face to the top of my head. “We’ll come straight back as soon as we’re done. If anything happens, anything at all, call me. Promise?”

Because he seemed to need a hug, I slid my arms around him, my head against his chest. “I promise. Be careful, okay?”

“Trust me, Bad Girl. Nothing will stop me from getting back to you.” Havoc kissed the top of my head before letting me go.

When not even Gage had a snarky remark to make, I knew something was up. Things were bad. Really bad.

Havoc locked the door on his way out. Hoping they wouldn’t be long, I tried to keep myself busy by working on an assignment for one of my classes. My brain was all over the place, unable to focus. Eventually, I gave up and turned on the TV in the living room. Sprawling on the couch, I scrolled through various social media apps on my phone.

When that grew boring, I tried to call Clover. She didn’t answer. I shoved off the couch and paced around the living room and kitchen. I went to the cupboard and plucked out a bag of barbecue potato chips. I stuffed my face with chips, washing them down with a frosty beer from the fridge. I wasn’t much of a beer drinker. Right then it hit the spot.

I was certain that at least an hour had passed. A glance at the clock informed me that it had only been twenty minutes. Seriously?

A knock at the back door made me almost jump out of my skin. Who the hell would come to the back door? Only someone trying to avoid the doorbell camera at the front. There were other cameras around the perimeter of the house. Those could easily be avoided or covered. This couldn’t be good.

I quickly ducked into the living room where the curtains were drawn so I wouldn’t be seen through the kitchen window. My heart picked up pace as the knocking continued. No way in hell was I opening that door.

I glanced at the stairs, wondering if I should run up to the second floor. No, that was stupid. Horror movie victims always did that shit. The only way out was through the front door. Since I couldn’t be sure that nobody would be waiting for me there, I was stuck right where I was.

My phone laid on the couch where I’d left it. Did I call Havoc? Or wait it out? Maybe it was a neighbor or something who would leave when nobody answered.

No such luck. The sound of a key in the door sent a shock of fear racing down my spine. The guys wouldn’t come through the back, and they sure wouldn’t stand there knocking first. I tensed, glancing around the room for a potential weapon. There was a heavy lamp on a side table. That was about it. Goddammit.

My palms began to sweat as the kitchen door opened. Maverick fucking Alexander walked in like he owned the place. For all I knew, he did. He had a key. His dark stare landed on me and a wicked smile spread across his face.

“Raina Monroe. I thought I might find you here. Come. Sit. We’re going to have a little talk.” Maverick approached the four seater kitchen table and pulled out a chair. When he saw me glance at my phone, he added, “Don’t even think about it.”

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