Page 1 of Drench My Halls

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Igot out of my old life as fast as I possibly could. I packed up everything I owned in this two thousand square foot house, well that would fit in my SUV and trailer, and pressed on the gas. I look into the rear view mirror, watching as the glass house that trapped me, disappears from my view. I head out of this god forsaken city in search of a new start. Los Angeles, once my home, now felt like hell. I gave my all to make this place ours. I loved my life, my friends, my home, my clothes. I loved us, until he ruined everything for me.

“How will I be able to contact you?” My editor, Violet, whines over the phone. I grip onto the steering wheel as I roll my eyes.

“That’s the point Vi, you won’t be able to. No one will until I am ready. I need this, I need the space to clear my head. Focus on the one thing I need to do, write.”

She whines some more until she finally agrees, “Fine. But if I don't hear from you in a week, I will send the troops to look for you.” She means the nagging, in your face, paparazzi. It’s no secret why I am leaving LA. I have been publicly humiliated. My husband of three years cheated on me with his co-star. Worst part about it, I found out on a live TV interview. I froze, I couldn't even fathom the reality of the situation, as I was finding out alongside the rest of the world. I was mortified, I ugly cried for months during our divorce settlement.

He wanted the house, whereas I wanted out. I screamed and yelled, telling him to shove every single thing up his asshole. I didn’t care about the material things. I cared about my dignity, morals, career, and my heart. I gave him everything, except my money. I made more than he did, I grew my career by myself before I met Daniel Foster. I had movie deals, book deals, merch. I wasn’t about to let him swoop me from under my feet and think he was going to take my money as well. He didn’t even blink an eye, he was so full of love for his new whore to even realize the best thing to happen to him was leaving.

Sure, that may sound cocky, but I supported him like no one else had. I gave him my connections in the industry, hell he even starred in one of my movies, playing Uhtred, a Viking warrior who falls in love with the enemy’s daughter. It was a hit on the big screen, and had the highest sales in the opening week. I was there for him when his mother died last year, helped his sister when she had a baby, I made sure he had a home cooked meal and clean clothes on his back, every fucking day.

After a two month wait, our divorce was finalized and do you know the thanks I got from him was,I appreciate you so much and I wish you nothing but the best, truly.

Are you fucking shitting me?

I held my breath until he stopped talking. I signed those papers and left, didn't look back. My grandmother, Ali, had passed away last month, and do you think he even called to say his condolences, even though I wouldn't have answered, it would have been the right thing to do, But no.

I had a meeting with my grandmother’s attorney the week she passed away. She provided me with her will. I was named as the sole proprietor, leaving me with her mountain side cabin in Everwood Peaks. It’s a small town that has all four seasons, but their winters are the worst. I have never been there but from the research I have done they don’t have much. It was the perfect timing for a new start. I was free of him, divorce was signed, I could leave everything behind and just escape into the nature of the mountains.

After a long three-day drive, I finally approach the mountains that contain my new home. I had to change my phone number on day two, as I kept getting calls from reporters wanting an exclusive. I only gave my number to Violet and my parents, so no one has bothered me since.

I look out at the scenery in front of me. The beautiful fall colors, greens, reds, oranges, browns, all taking over the huge trees lining the narrow road. The occasional sighting of a deer galloping through the woods as I drive past. The road snakes up the mountain so I take it slow around each bend. About thirty miles back, I did notice a shopping area, so I am assuming that’s where I will have to get my essentials, unless there is a local shop in town.

I see the sign, “Welcome to Everwood Peaks”. I sigh as I take in the town. It’s definitely not LA, but it’s the small town charm that I like the most. The drive into the town would be classified as the downtown area. Businesses and shops on both sides of the street, families walking or biking down the sidewalk, bundled up as the temperature drops daily. I drive past the downtown area and turn left, passing the town square, noticing a large fountain with the founder’s sculpture in the middle. That spot looks like a great reading area.

I follow my directions as I continue climbing the mountain until I reach my final destination. I blink my eyes rapidly as I check my directions again. I have to be at the wrong address.

2243 Autumn Lane.

“No fucking way.”

My mouth opens wide as I take in the fact that my grandmothers “Cabin” is an updated, modern, downright beautiful, large home. It sits right off the mountain, overlooking the whole town. I quickly exit my SUV, fumbling with the keys that the attorney gave me and open the door. Immediately I can smell my grandmother, her smell is etched into this home, and it makes me smile.

Her decor is not what you would think your grandmother’s house to be. She always had exquisite taste. She was rich but she never flaunted her wealth. She gave back to her community, she helped those in need, she was a pillar in our family. And her home, well my home now, is just breathtaking. The foyer is bright white, with a bench to take off your shoes, coat hooks, and an umbrella holder. I walk into the living room, the neutral tones, large couch and fireplace just scream cozy, relaxing nights. But the view through the floor to ceiling windows seal the deal. You can see far out past the town, the mountains covering the horizon. It will be spectacular to see at sunset. Making a mental note that in six hours, I have a date with the balcony.

I tour the rest of the home, loving my new master bedroom and bathroom. This home has four bedrooms and four bathrooms, don't know what I will do with all this space, but I will definitely be using one of them as my office and one as my merch shop. I head outside reaching into my SUV for my sweater, it’s definitely colder than LA in September. I ruffle through the trunk, pulling out my essentials suitcase and roll it up the graveled driveway.

“I am going to assume everything was to your liking?” A voice pops up from a car I didn’t hear pull up, scaring me half to death as I gasp and clutch my chest.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m Madison, I was your grandmother’s assistant.”

I shake hands with the woman, who looks about my age. She has brown curly hair, pink cheeks, great fashion sense, and a cute little button nose. Smiling, I return introductions.

“Yes, I love it, it’s beautiful. My grandmother had wonderful taste. Julia. Julia Harrington.” I shake her hand as she smiles, taking my appearance in.

“Wow, you remind me so much of Ali. She talked a lot about you, said we would be best friends if we ever met.”

She laughs as she helps me up the driveway. I appreciate the help, I don't know anyone here, so I won’t say no to a friendly hand. I grab another suitcase that has my hygiene products.

“So how long did you work for my grandmother?” She inhales before responding.

“Five years. It would have been six in October.”

I can see the pain in her eyes, she must have thought dearly of my grandmother.

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