Page 83 of Twisted Obsession

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“Guess who,” came the deep, guttural drawl from Enzo Trevil.

Like Sasha, her brother possessed the same smooth, olive skin and thick, dark waves. His fell in coils to his shoulder and hung in reckless strands over eyes the exact gray of a stormy afternoon. Twin dimples collected on either side of his perfect lips when he grinned at Lavena over Sasha’s head, but there was nothing friendly about it. If anything, the look was one of a very large cat who had finally captured the canary.

“Charlie Hunnam?”Sasha guessed, feeling the long, lethal fingers blocking her vision. “Have you finally come to take me away on your motorcycle?”

We laughed.

Enzo rolled his eyes and removed his hold, allowing Sasha to peer back over her shoulder at the man. She made a face and clicked her tongue.


Enzo flicked her on the forehead. “Who are you booing, runt?”

Sasha swatted at him, but he was already moving around the table to the only available seat next to Lavena. He folded six feet into the empty spot and stole one of the abandoned fries from Lavena’s plate.

“I thought you were on a top-secret mission,” Lavena said.

Enzo rested an elbow on the table and stole another fry. “And how do you know about it if it’s so top secret?”

Lavena raised an eyebrow. “Because I’m me and I know everything.”

He hummed softly, chewing on the bit of potato and eyed his sister who had suddenly become fascinated by her water glass.

“I’m still working,” he said after a moment.

“You deserted your post just to come and steal my food?” Lavena eyed him and the fry disappear between straight, white teeth.

Enzo was disturbingly beautiful. The kind of beautiful that belonged on the pages of some glossy magazine, but it wasn’t only his appearance. He had the aura of a predator, a creature that lived in the shadows and hunted for sport. Maybe it was the intense focus behind his eyes or the brutal calm that seemed to radiate off him, but he could clear a room with just a look. I’d seen him do it. It was terrifying to witness.

“I heard you were back,” he replied in that smooth as honey purr that left no doubt in any of our minds he was about to steal Lavena for the rest of the night. “I came to see you.”

Lavena’s eyes narrowed. “Who told you I was back?”

Full lips curved into a brilliant grin exposing all his teeth. “I’m me. I know everything.”

Despite the knot of annoyance crinkling her brows, I saw the faint hint of Lavena’s amusement in the twitch of her lips.

“Did you need something?”

Even from across the table, I heard the muffled creak of Enzo’s chair as he leaned towards her. “What kind of answer would you like, Lavena?”

“Whichever one will get you back to wherever you need to be.”

There was no denying the heat in the man’s eyes, the impatience and frustration. Lavena may have been ignoring it, but I saw it and I’d never connected so closely to another person.

“You’ve been avoiding me.”

Lavena pursed her lips. “And?”

Her chin was caught between his fingers. “And you know I fucking hate that.”

She swatted his hand off. “That sounds like ayouproblem.”

His broad shoulders lifted with the slow breath he inhaled, his pale eyes never wavering off my best friend’s face. “Do you really want to play that game with me, princess? You know it won’t end well, especially with all these people here.”

Lavena never batted an eye, but I didn’t miss the hint of a blush creeping into her cheeks. “Try it. I will gut you right here on the table.”

Enzo’s grin could have cut glass. “Is that a challenge?”
