Page 138 of Twisted Obsession

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All three pairs of eyes snapped to me as if I suddenly declared myself a unicorn.

“Kami?” Marcella murmured, her concern reflecting in her eyes. “Sweetie, what—?”

I ignored her, attention fixed on the tall, dark man. “His wife. His sons. I want Uriah to watch them suffer horribly. He needs to watch everyone he loves die in front of him slowly and violently, and him being powerless to do anything but watch.” I took a breath, willing my voice to remain calm when I was anything but inside.

If Morpheus thought I’d lost my mind, his features never showed it, but I could feel him assessing me, trying to decide if I had any say in the matter, which, realistically, I probably didn’t.

The Medlocks were less careful with their expressions. Alexander seemed surprised, Marcella contemplative.

“What do you think, darling?” Alexander turned to his wife.

Marcella glanced from me to him. “If that’s what Kami wants. She has a right to make the request.”

“I agree.” he stated and turned to Morpheus. “And she does have a point. Leaving them to live would only continue the cycle. There is a lesson to be learned here and I believe Kami is correct that an example must be made.”

It was an effort to not throw my arms around the pair, but there would be time for that later.

“I do have one … two more requests,” I didn’t wait before plowing on, “It can’t be Sasha. She … I don’t want that on her hands. She can take care of Uriah, but the others, someone else has to do it.”

Marcella immediately nodded her head. “Agreed. I do not want Sasha to be anywhere near all that.”

A hint of a grin toyed across Morpheus’s face. “That is part of her job.”

Marcella shook her head. “Absolutely not. That can be her job somewhere else.”

Morpheus sighed but relented. “If that is what you like. What is the other … request?” I ignored the touch of amusement in the wordrequest.

“No raping anyone, especially Mrs. Volkov.”

All signs of amusement vanished. “We do not do that. My team are not monsters. We still uphold a code of honor.”

“It’s an understandable request to make,” Marcella assured me. “But we have worked with Morpheus for years and we would not if there was ever a hint of anything so vial.”

I nodded. “Of course. I apologize for my misunderstanding.”

Morpheus gave a low, grumbling grunt that could have passed for acceptance. Thankfully I was saved from sayinganything more as Sasha returned with a stack of papers. Her father took them and the pen from her.

“There has been a change of plans.”



Ifollowed the relentless beeping through the fog.

I followed the gnawing, burning pain lighting my skin on fire.

I followed the lights and smells until my eyelids were opening and I was staring at a ceiling lined with foam and fluorescent. My body clung to the searing, white hot lances of unbearable agony even as I fought to move, to detach from whatever was pinning me down.


Figures rose through the murk and blocked the glare. Familiar faces blurred in and out of focus.

“He’s awake!”

The rest of the exclamation was muffled under an ocean of nothing as I dipped under again.

When I resurfaced a second time, the figures were still there, but not the same ones. A light flashed in and out of view. Someone kept calling my name, but it sounded so far away.
