Page 125 of Twisted Obsession

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My hand shot out and slapped hers, the resounding crack unmistakable.

She was seeing me now. Her dark eyes wide and startled shot to me.

“Let’s keep our hands to ourselves,” I said with as much poise as I could muster.

Liya’s lips cut into a razor blade smile. “Goodness, Kami, I never realized how insecure you were. A shame, really, given how pretty you are. You really should give yourself more credit.”

“We don’t touch people who don’t want to be touched,” I replied smoothly. “Consent. It’s a thing. Look it up.”

“You know, the last time I remember seeing you, you were Lavena’s little shadow. I’m surprised she’s not here to protect you.”

I didn’t let the barb hit home when I raised my chin and replied coolly, “Last time I saw you, you had your legs around another man’s head, and I don’t need protecting from you.”

Her plump lips puckered into a mocking pout. “Jealousy is so unattractive, sweetheart. You should really grow up.”

It was my turn to smirk, to cut my lip on the daggers of my smile. “This isn’t jealousy. It’s being protective of the person I love. You had your chance. You hurt him. I’m not letting you do that again. Maybe no one’s cared enough about you to show youthe difference, but this is what it looks like. Besides, if he’s dumb enough to go back to you, he deserves you.”

Liya’s curled mouth dipped, a tiny downward tilt no one would have noticed but I was close enough to her gorgeous face that I could have counted each eyelash.

“Liya.” Soft, cool fingers curled into my upper arm. “Kami.” I recognized Marcella’s voice, but I knew better than to take my eyes off a snake. “I hope we’re enjoying the evening.”

“It’s beautiful, Marcella.” Liya never broke eye contact either and that was fine by me. “Thank you so much for inviting me.”

I felt rather than saw Marcella press into my side, using her weight to wedge between us, forcing us apart. “Of course. I had hoped your parents would be attending, but you are always welcome.”

“They asked me to attend in their place. They knew how excited I’ve been to welcome Darius home.”

I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes or vomit, or both.

“Yes, I’m sure you celebrated your way through every dick in the city.” Lavena joined our tiny cluster, drink in hand. “I’m surprised your legs aren’t stuck in a permanent V. It would be more convenient.”

“Lavena!” Marcella hissed.

For the first time, Liya’s attention wavered away from me to fix on my best friend.

“I’m engaged, actually.” She raised a hand to flash us with the enormous rock on her finger. “We’re getting married next summer. I just came to see Darius as an old friend. I didn’t realize he had bought himself a little guard bitch.”

Lavena was in her face before I even realized she meant me. The two women were practically bumping noses.

“It’s time to go, Lace.” Lavena hooked an arm around the other woman’s elbow.

Liya struggled to pull free, but Lavena’s grip was like iron. “Get your hands off me, Lavena.”

“Oh, you of all people should know what it feels like when I put my hands on you, Lace. This is me asking you nicely before I get really mean.”

Lips pulled back over straight in a sneer, Liya barked a laugh. “I see you’re still protecting your little pet.” Her dark eyes spun to me, cruel and bitter. “You’re like the family dog.”

Whatever else she was about to say was silenced by the figure that slipped past me and pulled Lavena off before Liya could lose a chunk of her hair. Darius stood over a suddenly stunned and silent Liya, face a mask of dangerous calm.

“It’s time to leave, Liya,” he told her with the quietness of the sea before a storm. “Go now quietly or I will have you dragged out of here forcibly for everyone to see. Then, I will go home and pull every contract my family has with yours. I will do much, much worse if you ever speak to Kami that way again. I think it would be best if you didn’t even look at her going forward. Now, congratulations on your engagement. I hope for both our sakes, this is the last time we ever speak as well.”

Honey-gold skin flushed beneath the makeup, turning a dark, patchy hue of humiliation as she staggered back a step. Despite my anger and slight vindication, I couldn’t stop the pang of sadness I felt for her in that split second. Sure, she brought it on herself, but part of me wished it had gone a different way.

Without a word, Liya turned on her heels and started in the direction of the doors only to have Lavena call after her one last time.

“Just so you know, I was never protecting Kami from you. I was always protecting you from her.”

A horrible lie.
