Page 105 of Twisted Obsession

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“Good. I’m good. Thank you. I know I usually drop by on the weekends, but I was in town and thought I’d see if there was anything you’d like me to look at while I’m here?”

I usually made a list of odd jobs that needed doing throughout the week, things I probably could have done myself but since he came by so frequently, I just left them for him. Plus,I had a small budget for maintenance and the shop was in fairly good shape otherwise.

“I have a dead light in the backroom and a wobbly socket cover behind the counter if you wouldn’t mind having a look. There’s also a couple of other things. Let me find my list.”

His grin widened as I flipped open my calendar and rifled through my lose papers for the pad I usually wrote quickie notes on. I found the slip and passed it to him. He looked it over once before tucking it into his back pocket.

“Which socket?” he asked,

I shifted back when he wiggled into the tight space behind the desk with me. I watched him crouch down and examine the socket I pointed to. It was literally a loose screw, a two second twist of a screwdriver. He finished in even less time and stood with dusting his jeans as if he’d been on the ground for hours.

“That should do it,” he announced, eyeing his handiwork.

He was much taller up close. I had to force my head back to meet his warm, blue eyes. Unease urged me to take another step back, to find a way to circle the counter without making it appear as if he made me uneasy, because he didn’t. I was fully comfortable in his presence, but that close with him peering down at me…

It was at that moment I realized, no. I wasn’t attracted to him. Not the way the girls thought I should be. I couldn’t see myself dating him or even kissing him. He was sweet and very attractive, but Darius was a standard too high for any man to reach and I wasn’t ready for that leap.

Offering him what I hoped was a light smile, I edged around the counter, dragging the dress I’d been working on for Kas with me, careful not to let the jewelry I’d laid over top spill to the floor.

“Kami, would you mind if I asked you something?” he started, hesitation making the skin crease a little on the left side of his face. “I hope it won’t sound too forward.”

My fingers tightened into the satin, creating creases in the shimmering fabric. “Okay?”

“I would never ask if I didn’t think you were an amazing person,” he pushed on quickly. “You’ve been so kind, generous, and I really hope this won’t jeopardize our working relationship, but I was hoping you would do me the absolute honor of attending my wedding.”

I blinked, brain stuttering between the premade rejection on my tongue and disbelief. I gaped at him for what was probably longer than he expected because he flushed and shifted uncomfortably.

“I know it’s a strange request…” He began nervously, edging backwards out of the desk area. “Like I said, you’ve been so kind, but I understand if you want to keep things professional. I was just…”

I touched his arm before he could get any further. “I’m so sorry. You caught me off guard.”

He broke into a sheepish grin. One large hand lifted to rub the back of his head. “Michael is always telling me I need to word things better.”

“No, this was entirely on me.” I offered him a smile, relief unraveling the band around my chest. “So, you’re getting married?”

He nodded, light practically radiating from his smile. “At the end of the year. I’ve been going around picking up odd jobs to save up. Michael says I’m being crazy, but he deserves the best day I can give him, you know? Even if it means a little more work, I’m okay with that, which is why I really appreciate you letting me help out around here as much as you have. I know alot of this stuff didn’t really need me, but you still hired me and I just … it’s meant a lot.”

Feeling the hot ball of emotions lodging in my throat, I could only manage a few awkward nods before I could clear the tightening.

“Yes, of course, I’ll be there. I would love that very much.”

Lance beamed. “I can’t wait for you to meet Michael. He’s just the most wonderful man.”

I chuckled. “I can’t wait.”

Still grinning ear to ear, Lance pivoted on his heel and started towards the backroom and the burnt lightbulb when a lightbulb went off in my head.

“Lance?” I called before he could duck inside. He paused and glanced back “What are you and Michael doing Saturday?”

A large shoulder jerked up. “Nothing. I don’t think. Why?”

I grinned, shaking out the dress and laying it flat on the counter once more. “How would you like to be my plus two at the party of a century?”



“Shouldn’t you be getting ready to meet Abilene?”
