Page 61 of Winter's Heat

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With a nod, Jacob leads the way to the closest shop selling roasted chestnuts.

“Did Mom and Dad buy these for us when we were younger?” Kai asks when we reach the stall. “I feel like I’ve eaten them before but don’t remember when.”

I stare at the huge black vat in which the chestnuts are roasting. The heavenly aroma does ignite a nostalgic feeling within me but I can’t quite place it either.

“I took both of you to a Christmas fair like this one when we were living in Oklahoma,” Jacob says with a light grin. “Cole was six years old and you...” he says, glancing toward Kai. “You were barely three at the time.”

“It’s strange how we remember the smell of them,” I say, watching the shopkeeper load up a paper bag with the hot chestnuts.

Moving forward, Jacob orders three bags.

“I guess we have to thank Winter for igniting our memories,” says Kai as Jacob hands him his share.

“I hope she’s doing all right,” says Jacob. “I feel like going back there to make sure she’s safe.”

“She’ll be fine with her friend,” I say, hoping to suppress the anxiety I feel when she’s not close to us. “Winter’s neighbors love her. They’re willing to testify against Pete and Laura to protect her. She’ll be fine among the people she grew up with.”

“I’m so glad we were able to do this for her,” Kai says with a thoughtful look on his face. “She was holding on to a lot of pain. Laura’s betrayal broke her heart. Do you remember how she was willing to do anything just to make us help her when we first met her?”

“Yes,” Jacob growls. “I don’t even want to think what could’ve happened if she came across some rogue alpha. They wouldn’t give up on the opportunity to take advantage of a vulnerable omega like Winter. Her heat had been dangerously close when she met us. There are enough assholes around who’d abuse an omega in heat and then, leave her for dead.”

“Either that or she could’ve died from the cold that night,” Kai says, looking grim.

The thought of never meeting Winter sends a chill through me. I can no longer imagine a life without her.

“We must propose to her,” I blurt.

My brothers halt in their steps, staring at me.

“I don’t want Winter to have any doubts about our intentions,” I say, meeting my brothers’ gazes. “She must know what she means to us. I want her to know that we’ll never betray her, that she’s become a part of our pack.”

“Let’s do that,” Kai says with a nod. “What’d you say, Jacob?”

“I don’t want to scare her by coming on too strong,” Jacob says in a grim tone.

Kai lets out a frustrated huff. “You’re always like this! Why can’t you be spontaneous for once in your goddamn life, Bruh?!”

“I’m taking Winter’s feelings into consideration,” Jacob says with a frown. “She’s in an emotionally volatile state right now. We should wait for the right moment to ask her such a serious question.”

“Christmas is her favorite time of the year,” I say, walking toward a shop that’s selling ornaments and handcrafted children’s toys. “We could propose to her on Christmas Eve. It’ll be the perfect time to ask her.”

Jacob sighs. “You guys have made up your minds,” he says, looking between me and Kai.

“Yep,” I say without a hint of doubt in my mind.

A smile lifts the corners of Jacob’s mouth and spreads to his silvery eyes. “All right, then. We propose to Winter on Christmas Eve. Any ideas on how we do it?”

“Can I help you?” A soft feminine voice pipes up.

Looking ahead, I catch sight of a young woman wearing a green elf costume. Standing behind the counter of the toy shop, she enthusiastically waves at us.

Her excitement drops when she gets a proper look at me but she puts on a brave smile.

“Let’s buy something for Winter,” I say, moving closer to the counter.

Kai comes to stand beside me and points toward a shelf of painted globes. “Can you bring them closer,” he says. “Also, do they come with hooks? I want to know if we can hang them on a tree.”

“Yes, they come with hooks,” the shopkeeper says, turning around to go to the counter. “But, there’s something else that’s special about them.”
