Page 44 of Winter's Heat

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I put down the cup of hot chocolate and look into his silvery eyes. There’s no accusation there. He simply looks concerned.

“Can we talk about it tomorrow?” I say, meeting all their gazes. “You guys have been so wonderful to me that I don’t want this dream to end just yet. Can I have one more day before I face reality?” My voice catches in my throat, forcing me to take another sip of the hot chocolate.

Cole places his hand over mine and squeezes. “You know we’d help you, right?” he says gently.

I nod, looking into his beautiful blue eyes. “I know.”

“Did you see the Christmas tree in Reagan Square this year?” Kai asks, distracting me from my thoughts.

“What’re you talking about?” Cole asks, fixing his gaze on his younger brother.

Kai shrugs. “If she doesn’t want to talk, why don’t we all go out tonight and celebrate a little?” Turning his attention back on me, he asks, “Do you like to skate, Winter?”

“I love to skate but it’s been a while since I’ve done that,” I confess. I want to tell him how busy I’ve been over the past few years with managing the bakery but I hold myself back. We can talk about my troubles another day.

“So, what’d you say?” Kai says, wagging his eyebrows. “Do you want to go out with us?”

The Christmas tree in Reagan Square is the biggest one in all the neighboring towns. People flock there every evening to see the beautiful lights, enjoy the treats being sold by street vendors, and then, skate on the massive ice rink there.

Growing up, it was my favorite winter hangout. The festivities would start right after Thanksgiving and go on until the first week of the new year.

I’ve been so busy with the bakery that I never got the opportunity to see the Christmas decorations this year. Kai’s suggestion sends a jolt of excitement through me, easily distracting me from my depressing thoughts.

“Can we really go?” I ask, looking between him and his brothers.

“Of course, we can go,” Jacob says. “You just have to say the word.”

“Yes! Let’s go!”

A glowing smile lights up Jacob’s handsome face. Getting to his feet, he moves closer and hugs me from behind the chair.

“We’re here to keep you safe,” he whispers in my ear. “Never forget that, love.”

Safety steals through me at his reassurance. “Thanks. I’ll never forget the way you’ve helped me through the most difficult time in my life.”

“Hey, cheer up,” Kai says as he stands up. “Go put on something warm and I’ll go get the car to the front. Let’s leave now so we can reach there before it gets too crowded.”

Jacob and Cole nod and get to their feet too.

Excitement rushes through my veins as I watch them scatter around the kitchen. While Kai walks away, Jacob and Cole start clearing the mess from the table and the counters.

I head out after Kai and hurry up the stairs to reach my room.

Going over to the mountain of shopping bags, I fish out the one that contains a new crimson overcoat with ornate gold buttons.

“This is so gorgeous,” I mumble, holding the coat up.

I try not to look at the price tag as I tear it away. The coat is heavy but it’s amazingly warm and comfortable. Bundled up for the evening ahead, I go back downstairs.

Jacob and Cole are already waiting for me in the entrance hall. They’re both attired in luxurious overcoats that heighten their bold personalities. Warmth and pleasure flare in my belly when I realize they’re both going to be my dates for the evening.

“Let’s go,” Jacob says, gesturing for me to come forward.

I nod and step between him and Cole. They’re both so tall, I almost look like a schoolgirl among them.

“You should have this too,” Cole says, unwrapping his scarf from his neck.

“Hey, that’s okay,” I say but Cole drapes the thick, woolen scarf around my neck.
