Page 26 of Winter's Heat

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I’m soon submerged in their clothing from head to foot.

“This should mask her scent for a while,” Kai says in a grim tone.

While I agree with them, the sheer layers of wool are making me feel hotter. Sweat beads my forehead and my cheeks while a few drops slide down my neck.

“You and Kai take her home right away,” Jacob says in a commanding tone as he looks toward his brothers. “I’ll make a quick trip to the supermarket and buy all the essentials we’re going to need over the coming days.”

Surprise flickers through me. Are they all going to help me through my heat?

“Come with me,” says Kai, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and tucking me against him. Cole opens the door and comes on my other side. Jacob follows us closely, making sure no one can approach me.

“Who’s that?” A strange male voice makes me look up.

A tall, well-built man in a crisp black suit stands in our way. His gaze is fixed on me, so I duck my head, hoping to hide most of my face in the folds of Jacob’s scarf.

“Oh, they’re here to buy some clothes for their escort,” Linda says, grimacing at me.

“Escort?” A look of dark interest descends on the stranger’s face.

“Move aside,” Kai says in a low, grim tone. “We’re in a hurry.”

“Give her to me,” says the strange alpha, his expression cold and hungry.

“She needs her alphas,” Jacob says in a strong, assertive tone.

“I can take care of her,” the man insists, continuing to block our way.

“For fuck’s sake!” Cole suddenly shouts, making me jump. “Jacob! Will you keep standing there and take this shit? Get him the fuck out of our way!”

Jacob steps out from behind us and steps closer to the man. “Move away,” he says in a forcefully calm tone. “Let my brothers take our mate back home.”

“No. She’s mine!” With a sudden move, he punches Jacob in the gut.

“Oh no!” I moan, almost feeling the impact of that hit.

A murderous look descends into Jacob’s steely-gray eyes. He doesn’t look like he’s in pain at all. Anger radiates from him, sending a thrill of danger through me. “You guys go ahead,” he says in a grim, dominating tone and steps up to the man. “I’ll take care of things here.”

Kai pulls me alongside him while Cole guards me from the other side.

“Oh, aren’t you going to buy anything else?” The store assistant chirps up.

“Get out of our fucking way!” Cole snarls at her.

She steps back immediately, looking deathly scared of him.

“Hey, wait,” the stranger calls out from behind us but Kai and Cole don’t stop.

“You can talk to me, pal,” Jacob’s voice sounds from behind us.

I glance around, catching him glaring at the strange man.

“I’m the owner of this store,” the stranger shouts. “I decide who comes in and who goes out.”

“Is that so?” Jacob asks with a challenging scowl, tightening his hand into a fist. “I could break your damn jaw for what you just did.”

“Is he going to be okay?” I whisper as we step outside the shop.

“The store owner got affected by your perfume,” Cole says. “Jacob will handle him for us.”
