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Hawk sighs, rolling his shoulders back as he adds the vegetables to the frying pan. “Listen, man, you’re my brother. I love you. But I love Will too, and I don’t want to see you do that thing you do where you have fun for a minute then discard her.”

“I would never do that to her,” I say. “Trust me, I’ve thought about all of this.”

He stirs the vegetables around, adding spices and more butter. “But you’re having a good time together?”

“Yes,” I say. “I mean, I know I am. I think she is. I hope she is.”

This seems to be enough for him, and he turns his attention back to the group as the women walk back in and sit on two of the stools. They’ve collected Ava from outside as well, and she runs to the couch in the living room to watch a cartoon on her iPad.

“So maybe after Ava goes to bed, we can play something?” Avery suggests.

“Like what?” Drew asks.

“Strip poker!” Hanson volunteers.

The group collectively groans at the suggestion.

“No thank you,” Hawk says. “No one is seeing my wife naked.”

Drew looks over at Hawk lovingly, in adoration of his territorial comment. My brother is a good guy and I’m glad he’s met a good woman. By all accounts, their opposites-attract love story is enough to give anyone a tooth ache. Shit is so sweet, it belongs on the Hallmark channel. Then again, there’s envy too. At least on my part.

“How about truth or dare?” Avery says.

Everyone but Willette agrees. Meanwhile, she looks like she’s changing her mind about strip poker. Her face contorts, as if the thought of playing the simple children’s game is the last thing she wants to do.

“It’s settled,” Drew says. “Truth or dare in the living room in about two hours.”



Ihave avoided playing truth or dare with the Tanner brothers for nearly twenty years. I’ve done it quite skillfully and purposefully, dodging most attempts at the game by suggesting a different game. When that failed, I literally feigned illness to be excused.

Tonight, that changes. I can’t very well object to the whole group. There would be too many glances my way, asking why. That’s trouble too. I’ll just have to play and pray.Play and pray. My new motto.

Everyone settles back into the comfort of the overstuffed couches in the living room. Ava took the dogs in her room for comfort, leaving all the adults to their own devices. Drew gives everyone a fresh round of drinks before settling beside Hawk, her feet drawn beneath her. I’m in a similar position next to Derek, and the two singletons round out the group.

“Okay,” Drew says, rubbing her hands together. “Let’s do this.”

“Who goes first?” Derek asks.Oh god, shut up, Derek. Don’t draw attention to us.

“You can, if you’d like?” Drew offers.Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.

“All right,” he says, sitting up a little straighter. Derek glances over at me, lifting his eyebrow.Please. No.“Hawk,” he says. “Truth or dare?”

Hawk takes a swig from his beer. “Dare.”

Now Derek is the one rubbing his hands together, in that evil genius way. “I dare you to make a snow angel—wearing nothing but your boxers,” Derek says.

Avery and Hanson start laughing like it’s the most brilliant thing and even Drew suppresses a giggle. Meanwhile Hawk looks like he wants to choke his brother.

“What?” Derek says. “You said no one could see your wife naked. Never said anything about you.”

“I hate you,” Hawk says, standing and pulling his shirt off.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Now strip, little brother,” Derek says.

Hawk removes his pants, and thank god he elected to wear decent sized boxers. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before at the beach, in the pool, or while he’s getting tattooed. All the ladies in general look at him like he’s a meat popsicle except for me. I chance a glance at Derek, knowing he’s the only Tanner I’ve ever compared to meaty treats. He’s an extra-large beef jerky stick as far as I’m concerned.

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