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When Jay returned, his face was clean of blood but noticeably bruised. He took a chair from the kitchen and placed it at the side of the room, isolating himself from the rest.

Anthony didn’t allow himself to dwell on what Jay had made Chris do. He needed to stay focused and sharp for what was coming next, and he also worried that he, too, might end up punching Jay.

Chris cleared his throat. “As I was saying, Mickey wants me to hide recording equipment in Tobias’s private office. The only way for me to do that is if Anthony and I go to Tobias’s house on Fire Island—as toys. Jay and Ethan will come as well, pretending to be our owners.”

“You expect me to be yourowner?”

Chris put his hand on Ethan’s leg. “Our cover story is that you and Jay are partners who rent out men.”

“I can’t imagine how you could possibly come up with such a sick idea.”

Chris let it slide and continued. “You two are considering striking a deal with The Gentlemen’s Club to provide toys in exchange for money.”

“What the hell even is a toy?” Ethan asked in frustration.

“It’s what it sounds like,” Anthony found himself saying, his voice distant. “Men who are meant to be played with and used.”

“And you were… you were a toy in that club?”

“I was.”

Ethan looked at Anthony like a stranger, and who could blame him? Ethan turned to Chris. “You were also a toy?”

Chris looked like he might faint. “No. I... I brought Anthony there as—”

“As a member,” Anthony said. “He was a member, and I chose to be a toy.”

Chris nodded his thanks.

“Did you know Tobias well, Ant?” Ethan hesitantly asked.

Anthony wished the floor would show mercy and swallow him whole. His shame burned underneath his skin. There were so many things he had hoped to keep a secret from Ethan, but his hopes were flowing down the drain. “Yes, I knew him well, and I planned to never see him again.” His words sucked the feeble light from Chris’s eyes and made Jay’s shoulders slump. His refusal meant the destruction of those two people, and who would he be if he allowed that to happen?

Anthony locked his eyes with Chris. “Swear that he won’t get to do to me what he did last time.”

“He won’t. I’ll kill him before that happens. We go in, play their sick games, hide the recording equipment in Tobias’s office, then we’re out of there for good.”

“You mentioned striking some deal with the club.”

“There won’t be any deal,” Jay said in a hoarse voice. “We’ll pretend we’re there to talk business, but nothing will come of it.”

“How come Ethan is involved in this?” Anthony asked, just now processing that part of the plan.

“Chris didn’t want to keep it a secret from him,” Jay said. “And I knew that Ethan wouldn’t agree to sit back while the three of us went there.”

Ethan’s silence signaled his agreement.

Anthony rubbed his hands over his knees, surprised by the steadiness of his pulse. Panic would likely strike soon, but for now, he drew comfort from knowing the people around him would stay by his side when he faced Tobias again.

“All right,” Anthony said. “When are we doing this?”

Ethan cleared his throat. “Ant, maybe we should talk about this.”

“No. It’s my decision.”

“Thank you,” Chris said, looking both relieved and drained. “I don’t know when we’re supposed to be there, but I’m guessing soon. I’ll keep you updated.”

Anthony nodded. “Do you guys mind if we call it a night?”
