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“Are you serious?” Chris sparked up as though someone put new batteries in his back. “You’re really interviewing?”

“Yep. Figured it was worth a shot.”

For the first time tonight, Chris’s smile looked genuine. “That’s amazing, E. I’m so happy.”

“Me too,” Jay said, “but I’m still stuck on the bottoming for Anthony part.” He raised a warning finger at Anthony. “You better take it nice and easy on my boy here, you hear?”

“Yes, sir.” Anthony knew even his tan skin couldn’t hide his blush, but Jay wasn’t done.

“You’ll need romantic music, Ant, but nothing too corny. More Phil Collins and less Michael Bolton. Get some candles, those with scents, not the cheap ones.”

“Ooh, I like that.” Ethan beamed. “Should he also spread rose petals on the bed?”

“At a bare minimum, yeah.”

Anthony sighed, mentally adding scented candles to his next shopping list.

“Have you been practicing with the dildo you bought?” Chris casually asked Ethan.

“Yep, and thanks for the tips.”

Jay covered his ears. “We are not talking about dildos!”

Ethan snickered. “Prude.” He cleared his throat and turned to Chris. “Can you please tell us what’s bugging you?”

Chris reluctantly nodded. They moved into the living room—a four-foot journey. Jay and Chris sat on the couch, with Anthony sitting in front of them on a chair he’d taken from the kitchen. Ethan stood next to him.

“I’m sorry about what I’m going to tell you,” Chris said and looked at Anthony. Those blue eyes were hurting. “I need your help, Ant.”


“I didn’t tell you what it is.”

True, but Anthony wasn’t going to let Chris carry around that look in his eyes. “Sorry. Go on.”

Chris exhaled, his fingers intertwining and fidgeting with each other. “I’m in trouble with Mickey. He’s blackmailing me, and the only way to stop him is through Tobias.”

Hearing Mickey’s name sent a painful jolt into Anthony’s stomach, but hearing Tobias’s name sent a brutal kick to his guts.

“Who are those people?” Ethan asked. “And what is Mickey blackmailing you about?”

“Mickey’s a senior partner at my firm. Tobias is the owner of a club me and Anthony used to go to. Mickey wants to gain leverage by spying on Tobias, and he wants my help with that.”

Ethan put his hand on Anthony’s shoulder. “And how does Ant fit into this?”

Chris looked steadily at Anthony. “I need to get into Tobias’s house at Fire Island and hide recording equipment in his office. I got an invitation under the condition that you’ll come as well. We...” He let out a breath. “We will both need to be toys when we’re there.”

“Toys?” Ethan snorted. “The hell’s going on?”

“Ethan,” Jay said, “let them talk.”

“Wait, you know what’s going on?”

“I’m a part of this.”

Anthony frowned. “How canyoube a part of this?”

Jay glanced at Chris. “I made a stupid mistake and handed Mickey something to blackmail Chris over. He’s also threatening to get me back in prison.”
