Page 57 of Mafia Bosses

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Repaying him for the kindness he had shown me.

I held on to the edge of the tab, his heavy balls smashing into my clit with each thrust. More of his slaps echoed back at the walls of my apartment. His large hands have to have left a mark—I couldn’t know for sure. All I did know, was that he was keeping me well within the realm of lustful pleasure. Our bodies had merged amid numerous threads of steam, water continuing to splash down onto his shoulders. Amid our sounds of desire, I opened my eyes to slits. My breasts were bouncing back and forth. Water had pooled around my feet and his alike as a flurry of sensations hit my entire existence.

I cried out in ecstasy, riding my waves of pleasure as my second orgasm tore through me.

“Fuck! I’m going to come!” his own groans came just moments afterwards. All of a sudden, my body complained at the loss of stimulation and pressure. Leo was out of me, his cock firmly in his grasp. He jerked himself just inches over my ass, before his essence spilled out of his swollen manhood. His juices covering my crack, he gasped out and tipped his head back.

“Oh, wow,” I panted and rolled around. I sat down in the bathtub, my arms parallel to one another. “This was…”

“Fucking great,” he interrupted me, offering me his hand. I slammed my palm into his and he helped me up. “Unexpected, but great. Believe me, I wish I didn’t have to leave.”

“Leave? Why?” I complained, feeling more of his body heat on my skin.

“I’m meeting with you-know-who in about an hour,” he explained. “I’m already late as it is.”

I didn’t want him to leave like this. I wanted some more intimacy. Some more of Leo…

“Kiss me,” I said suddenly.

Again, he wasn’t going to verbalize.

Responding with words wasn’t his style.

He tossed his arm around my waist and pulled me in, angling his lips. I cupped his hips and pressed myself into him, getting one more taste of that sexy mouth of his. If I couldn’t have him again, I would get the least I could from him. Okay, this wasn’t the ideal end to that morning, but, even so, I had every reason to be happy. I had surrendered to the man who had been watching over me all night. To the man I had connected with at the Presbyterian hospital. He had respected my body and treated me like a queen. I couldn’t ask for more than that.



A weekof doing nothing at all took its toll on all of us.

It was easy at first. We spent two days daydreaming and saying what we had been planning to do, once we’d gotten the ball rolling.

Cesare brought up his dream of buying a house in the suburbs. A large property with a lawn and a pool in the back. His optional extra was a boat, which he’d use to go out fishing. Personally, I couldn’t see the appeal of that last part. I could understand the huge house and the pool, but venturing out in the Atlantic? No. The ocean was much too vicious for me to consider risking my life for some fish. Of course, Cesare claimed that he’d do that in sunny, summer weather, but he couldn’t convince me. The Atlantic was unpredictable. Its waves could swallow up much bigger ships than a fishing boat.

Leonardo wouldn’t shut up about his long island vacation. He mentioned his plan of renting a four-by-four and visiting Blue Mountain in Jamaica. Crazy son of a bitch… The island had dozens of pristine beaches, and he was fascinated by exploring a mountain? In all fairness, it seemed very interesting. It had a mystical vibe to it, one that couldn’t be found in other mountains. Still, I found it very strange that he’d choose to head to that mountain first and not go out sunbathing.

My dream? Well, it consisted of four wheels, a grumbling motor and miles and miles of freeway.

I didn’t care about brands. There were dozens of those to choose from. In my mind, a simple road trip across the States was an enormous temptation. Eight cylinders, a big trunk for all my luggage and good company were more than enough. I would get to hear that motor roar while the car ate up the miles. Whether it was on the Interstate, in a tunnel or some expressway, I would just love the thrill. I would drive on and on without purpose, other than enjoying the scenery, some laughs and great food.

Unfortunately, once those two days had passed, daydreaming ceased.

In its place came an awful lot of silence, interrupted by some serious crankiness.

From Cesare and Leonardo.

Yep—those two just couldn’t control their temper.

As far as Cesare was concerned, this was odd. After all, disappearing and laying low was his idea. All the same, just forty-eight hours into that week, he was getting impatient. He would stare at his phone for minutes at a time, expressing his desire to see Maggie’s number flashing on the screen. And, once I told him it wouldn’t be happening for at least a few more days, he got mad and said I was being pessimistic…

Leonardo was even worse. He acted like everything and everyone annoyed him. There was a time when I fell asleep on my couch, and he slapped my calf because I was breathing too heavily. I wasn’t snoring, but I was about to, according to him. After that, he asked me and Cesare to turn off the TV, because it was too bright for him to sleep. For crying out loud… He could have gone to one of the two bedrooms in my apartment and slept for days for all I cared. When I told him, though, he said that my couch was too comfortable to leave it.

We might have been a tight group, but I knew we were going to snap at some point. Sitting around and wasting time was something that none of us enjoyed. Sooner or later, we’d have a huge fight. It wasn’t a matter of “if.” It was a matter of “when.”

So, when my phone rang, seven days after the incident in Amanda’s bar, we were all very interested in hearing what Maggie Owens-Roselli had to say. I set the device down on the coffee table and put it on speaker.

