Page 64 of Stalked

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My eyes flutter as I soak up his violent energy, willing him to put it to use.

To take a bite of his prey.

But I can’t be a willing, consenting bird. I want to be chased, to fear him, and I have to act the part.

I scoot back, melding my body into the wall.

“Please.” I gaze at him beneath my lashes.

His lips quirk to the side. Devious, feeding off my obvious trepidation.

“There’s no talking your way out of it.” He glides closer, rocking his erection against my belly. “No walking away from this.”

I let out a short cry.

His smirk deepens.

“You asked how I knew you were there.” Theo’s menacing aura thickens, condensing around him despite the light filtering through the windows. “I followed you. I looked out the window because something felt off. Then I followed you.”

The newfound knowledge has my knees buckling and my breasts heavy. This isn’t right.

He invades my privacy, practicallystalksme, and I’m turned on by it.

Levitating from it.

Walking on air and gliding on top of cotton candy clouds.

Before I get lost in the fantasy altogether, there’s a question begging to be asked.

“W-why? Why me?”

His eyes narrow a fraction, breathing fire.

He’s a complicated, intriguing man. His answer, though? So plain. So honest. “You’re mine.”

The hand on my waist sneaks up to my breasts, pinching and torturing my nipple. No amount of fabric can come between Theo and his pain-inflicting methods. He’s decided that my nipple will hurt, and it will.

“Ow!” I yell as the pain blends into pleasure, as my arousal begins to dampen my panties. “Please, don’t.”

His smirk evaporates, his mouth setting into a thin line. “You tell me to stop, and I will.”

“I don’t…” I murmur, then groan while trying to escape the sting from his hand switching between my nipples. While he demands the other one to swell and be erect for him as well. “I don’t want you to stop, and it scares me. Like you do.”

“Do I?” The evil gleam flashes behind his eyes. “Do I scare you, little lamb? When I follow you around? When I stalk you?”

I swallow, my gulp loud in the otherwise silent room. My thighs clench to ease the pain Theo inadvertently causes. It doesn’t help. Nothing will help me against his erotic onslaught.

His fingers dig into my neck, making my breath hitch in my throat.

“You know our deal, Prue.”

He relieves my breast of the torture he inflicted to slither a hand between me and the wall. Grabbing my ass in a punishing grip, he thrusts me into his rock-hard cock.

“I asked you a simple yes or no question. Use your voice and answer the question.”

“Yes,” I hiccup the reply.

“Yes, what?”

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