Page 56 of Stalked

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Yeah, that has to be it.

No more of this self-wallowing. Not today, when I’m going to meet the man whose DNA runs through my veins, who I thought didn’t want me.

Theo said we’re going out to dinner, and I believe him. I’ll withhold judgment and my abandonment issues if and when he gives me a reason to.

For now, I’m focusing on my dad. He should arrive on the Greyhound bus in four hours to have brunch with me, his daughter. He even offered to take the four a.m. bus to make it by eleven and leave after we eat, so I won’t feel obligated to let him stay over.

He’s thoughtful, in his own way.

I’ve been waiting my whole life for this moment, and though Zeke doesn’t sound like the perfect doting father, he does appear to try.

I refuse to dim the enormity of it by fixating on a guy.

“It’s such a foreign word, but yes.” My mouth parts into a smile as I lay my heart out to my boss and the closest thing to a friend I have in this world.

My parched lips crack, and I dart my tongue out to wet them. Salty. The same strange taste I’ve woken up to in my mouth and on my lips over the past couple of mornings.

Weird, considering I’ve been using the same toothpaste and haven’t switched up my diet. Maybe it’s got something to do with my hormones. I’ve been waking up wet after dreaming about Theo for the past two days.

Yeah, that has to be it.

Which I have to stop thinking about when in a few hours I’m about to meet my…

“Dad. He’s my dad.”

“Yes, he is.” Her smile embraces me through the phone, all the way from her mansion in Beverly Hills. “I’m thrilled for you. You deserve your happy ending.”

“Thank you.” My teeth nibble at my chapped bottom lip. “I’m happy. And nervous. He was kind of weird when we talked.” I share my concerns with her.

I don’t have anyone else.

“Finding out you have a twenty-six-year-old daughter after the fact would make anyone weird, I guess.” Her chuckle is mingled with sizzling sounds of what must be her kids’ breakfast on the stove. “And in any case, you did well to suggest a public place. Whatever happens, you’re always free to get up and walk away.”

“Yeah.” My eyes wander up to the ceiling, and higher—up, up, up to the fifth floor.

I draw the sheets tighter over my bare chest, surrendering to the joy this Saturday will bring. First Dad, then Theo. I should be content. Iamcontent.

“It’s going to be a good day, Michelle.”

“It is.” Glasses clink, a gruffgood morningfrom her husband follows. “I have to go now. Be safe. Text me later. Promise?”

“I do.” I nod to myself and hang up.



Therestofthemorning flies by in a blur as I try to plan for brunch with my dad.

The anxiety and excitement have turned me into a mess. I can’t seem to make up my mind about anything, not about an outfit to wear or a specific topic to discuss.

First impressions count, and I want to leave such a good one he’ll never leave me again.

During these four hours, I get one text from Theo with a sweet,I can’t wait for our dinner this evening.

My head’s too wrapped up in the heaps of clothes on my bed and the hairstyles I’m considering that a simpleMe toois the answer he gets.

He doesn’t reply, and it’s okay. We’ll see each other soon, anyway.

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