Page 43 of Stalked

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The woman I’ve grown to be might be an introvert at times, might prefer silence, but she’s not meek or fragile. Hasn’t been until Theo bulldozed his way into my life.

He intimidates me. I wish I could be mad about how he casts a shadow on me, turning me into a submissive little girl again. And I’m not.

I want him to bathe me in his commands, push me around like a rag doll.

I long to fear him. If that makes me sick, then I don’t ever want to be well again.

“You better not.” He stands up, rising to his full six-four intimidating frame. “Because this is the last warning I will give you. As a doctor, I shouldn’t spank my patients, but you’re pushing it.”

Without taking his eyes off me, Theo plucks the ultrasound transducer from its stand. He wraps it in a condom, then fishes out a bottle of lube from another drawer at his side.

“Please don’t spank me.” My eyes dance between him and the transducer in his firm grip. “I’ll be good.”

“All right.”

His eyes darken, his sinister gaze trained on me while his thumb plays with the bottle’s cap.

“I’ll tell you what.” His attention flickers to my pussy, then back to me. “In my professional opinion, you’re wet enough to go without lubrication. Unless you’d prefer me to squirt some on?”

Theo delivers the wordsquirtclinically, again. Like it doesn’t have a sinister implication. His mien remains emotionless and his tone that of any other doctor I’ve been to. And he’s so hot for doing that.

The wrongness of the situation, the element of taboo, it’s everywhere around us.

Theo knows the effect he has on me, and he doesn’t look remorseful in the slightest. His lack of contrition shows how much he enjoys seeing me lose it.

I’m wound up tight, moaning instead of breathing, sweating in the air-conditioned room.

“I’m good to go without.”

He returns the bottle to its drawer, dragging his thick middle finger from my slit up to my clit. “Yeah, Prue. You’re good. Very good.”

I don’t get another word out before he jams the transducer halfway into my gaping hole.

“Shoot!” I yelp, pinching my eyes shut as ecstasy claims me.

“You’re not a prudent little virgin anymore. It’sshit, not shoot.“ Theo’s words reiterate my thoughts somehow.

“Shit.” For each one of my fervent nods, the paper beneath me crumples. The noise hardly registers. I’m attuned to Theo’s commanding presence, to him and only him. “Shit.”

His lips twitch and quickly return to the flat line he must’ve been perfecting for years.

“And keep your voice down. We don’t want to plant the wrong idea in Vienna’s head, do we?” He shoves the wand deeper. “Don’t want her believing we’re doing something inappropriate when all I’m doing is checking you.”

“No,” I whisper, toning down my needy moans into harsh breaths. “You’re just checking me.”

“Right. A doctor wouldn’t do this…” The thick wand is being shoved another inch inside me, then slowly dragged out, then shoved in again. “…for any other reason than to examine you. Here, look at the monitor.”

A blurry image of what’s going on inside my body appears there. Blotches of black and white move and swirl on the screen since he keeps moving the transducer.

I’m supposed to lie there and pretend as though it’s all par for the course.

Then again, my lust-laced vision is so blurry anyway that it doesn’t matter what I see there. Everything’s a mess other than Theo’s clear and controlling presence.

“Here, you see, Prue, when I change the angle…” He tilts the wand, so the tip moves lower toward my ass as he holds the end higher.

Oh, God. Oh, Jesus. This new position has Theo rubbing his thumb on my clit whenever he thrusts the device back inside.

“Your vulva seems healthy,” he continues, and if he’s not careful, I might… “The man who took your virginity made sure to fuck you just right without causing damage.”

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