Page 109 of Stalked

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“Thirty. Thousand,” I grind out the words. He doesn’t fool me, he can afford it easily. “It needs to be anonymous, too. You don’t contact them, you don’t trigger them.”

“Fine, fine.” Jason shrivels, deflating, turning into a shadow of himself. “If that’s all, go away already.”

“Last but not least.” Since it’s crucial he knows how serious I am, I raise my foot, the tip of my sneaker connecting to his stomach once more. “Your days of treating women are over. I want your website taken down, your number changed, and for you to stop harassing my old patients. You’re done. Tell me you understand.”

“I do.” He wipes his bleeding nose, turning his head to the wall and away from me. “Now, leave.”

He’s not the reason why I spin on my heel and head to the door.

I decide it’s time to go. Time to return to Prue.

My bones call out for her, my heart needs to rejoin hers. My head is poisoned with the shit I’ve done and the memories this encounter resurrected, and only Prue can cure me.

I’m coming home, Three.

“Enjoy your retirement, you fucking monster.” I slam the door behind me.

This is how it ends. Finally. My final goodbye to this horrendous chapter of my life, giving space to a brighter future.




Since there are no flights back to LA this late at night, I drove back. Spending five-plus hours behind the wheel, cruising through the 101 on the way home has drained the last of my adrenaline. I lock my car, heading to the parking garage’s elevators. All I can think of is crawling into Prue’s bed, of losing myself in her.

Of hugging her. Loving her.

To forget this fucking night ever happened.

I ride up to Prue’s floor, holding the key to her apartment firmly between my fingers. When I’m in her place, I kick off my sneakers at the entrance, padding to her bedroom.

I tower above her, standing at the edge of her bed, skimming my fingers along her naked body without really touching her.

Watching her sleep wakes me up faster than any cold shower or coffee ever could.

Closed eyes. Long, dark lashes fanning on soft cheeks. Luscious, thick blond hair sprawled on the white pillow. An elegant neck where Prue’s pulse beats slowly.

She’s lying on her back, legs partly open, not an inch of her skin hidden from me.

“Such a good girl,” I murmur silently. “Waiting for me, just like I told you to. My good little girl.”

Today has been a lot. Laying into Jason. Finally getting the closure I so desperately needed for myself and his patients. The kick I got from acting as Prue’s protector.

I detonated in Jason’s living room.

I threw the poison that’d been festering in me at his feet and left it there to rot. The more time I spent behind the wheel, the more I accepted it.

This part of my life was over. Prue was safe.

My demons have been lulled to sleep. Until now.

A new burst of predatorial energy surges inside me. My heart hammers, my teeth grind. My dick throbs. My fists clench so hard my fingernails dig crescents into my palms.

The dormant animal in me bursts into life, demanding to wreak havoc. To claim my woman in any way I wish.

This explosive need to conquer blinds me to everything other than the impulse totake.

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