Page 68 of Rise & Fall

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“Well, we suspect that you may have something called hypothyroidism, which is an underactive thyroid. That could be the cause of the low hormone. We would need to run a thyroid-specific blood test for further analysis in order to be able to properly diagnose you or rule out the possibility.”

“I’m sorry, Dr. Marshall,” I say, swallowing down the sudden lump in my throat. “What does this have to do with anything? What does all of this mean?”

“I’m afraid it means that your chances of getting pregnant are little to none, Miss Young. You’re infertile.” I drop my phone on the ground, hearing her continue to talk in tiny, muffled words that echo through my phone’s speaker.


I look out at my mom and Dexter…And Emsley.

Her smile is so bright, it brings tears to my eyes. The way she runs around with her mom and dad, laughing as the sun beams around them.

What am I supposed to do? This means I can never have a family? I’ll never be able to hold my own child in my arms, rock them to sleep at night, or see them walk for the first time?

I’ll have to miss out on all of that?

Everything in my chest breaks, shatters into a million pieces. Over the last few months helping out with Em, I’ve started to envision a life where maybe I’d become a mother. Where I’d have children of my own. It felt like a calling some days, like it was what I was meant to do.My purpose. Little by little, I craved it.

And now, I’ll never know what the idea of being a mom feels like, because those chances are little to none. Stripped from me in the matter of a phone call.


One word that somehow rips through my heart like a hurricane.

“Miss Young?” I hear a tiny voice come from the ground below, dark clouds forming quickly in the skies above.

I lean down to pick up my phone and bring it to my ear. “Dr. Marshall, I’ll have to call you back,” I say before clicking the phone shut.

Rain drops start to hit the cement, some hitting the tops of my head. I hear laughter out in front of me, my vision blurred by the dam of tears I’m trying so desperately to hold in.

Emsley and my mom laugh as they stick out their tongues to catch the warm rain as it starts to pour harder. Em’s hair is already sticking to her head and Dexter’s shirt is now speckled with rain drops.

They laugh as I finally let go and shed the tears burning in my eyes.

I can never have what they have. That will never be me.

Everyone falls.

“How do I rise from this?” I whisper-cry, my head tilted to the skies as the clouds continue their own shedding of tears. Hoping that, maybe, he’s listening. Wherever he is. He’s the only one who can help me through this.

I miss you, Dad.



“Let’swrapthisshitup, storm is coming in!” I yell over at my guys.

Josh and Mitch both have the day off, so here I am on a Saturday afternoon, helping any way I can. But it’s easier when it’s not threatening to pour rain.

I look up at the sky, dark clouds rumble their way through the cold air. Thunder can be heard like faded beats on a drum.

I watch as my men scatter around, throwing tarps on cement beds and bricking it down. I hear something pounding against what sounds like metal nearby and looking around I can’t quite nail it.

Then I see the loose piece of metal hanging from the top of the structure, loosely flying in the wind hanging by…something, I can’t really tell what’s happening. But I know I need to get it secured or taken down in order to prevent damage or injury.

I see some of my men attempting to take down the eighteen foot scaffold attached to that side of the wall, which would take forever so their effort is pointless, but I holler at them to leave it up so that I can climb it to secure whatever is loose up top.

The wind is fighting against everything in its path, kicking up dirt from the site which makes it difficult to see.
